Chapter 2: Wrong Person

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She browsed along the bookshelves of the public library, looking at each book trying to make some time.

Eventually she picked out a couple books and sat on one of the tables near a group of people.  Students is what they looked like to her, and they seemed to be doing a group project from what she could see and hear.

Since it was a group project, then they must be staying here for a while.  That is if they had barely arrived themselves.

'Maybe I should read a few reference books while I'm here.' She thought to herself as she got up from her seat and went in search for the books.


"Are these all you want to check out?"

Amy nodded, "Yes." She handed over her library card to the librarian so she could scan it before scanning the books.

One by one, three books were scanned, and a small receipt was printed out, "Here are your books, and here is the due date for the books." The librarian said as she pointed at the receipt.

"Thank you."

It had been an hour since she entered the library, that should have been enough time for whoever, if there was such a person, was following her had left.

Quickly she unlocked her car and got in before giving a quick scan around the area.  At seeing no one, she looked into her back seat, for all she knew someone could have gotten into her car and was waiting for her.  But there was no one, and at that she let a sigh as she locked the doors, put on her seatbelt and turned on the car.

She took various routes that she wouldn't have before, just to make sure one more time that no one was following her.

Amy could still feel a sticky wetness from the sweat on her neck from earlier before from the stress and nerves, and she was itching to be home and wash it all away.

The rest of the day passed by in a blink given that once Amy arrived, she had gone to bed after showering and eating.


Amy was on edge on the day that followed and the day after that, thinking that maybe whoever was following her would come out.  But surprisingly since that day she hadn't felt nor seen anything.

'Maybe I was just tired?' She hoped, because if it were real, it would be too much for her to handle.

Three days had passed since then, everything was like any other day for her.  Working night shift, going home at nine in the morning.  It was like a breeze of fresh air.  But nothing ever lasts forever.

Two weeks after that day, she had clocked out of work and on her way to the bank to deposit her paycheck.  It was almost like a distant memory of what happened, that she didn't even notice when a low baritone voice called out to her from behind her.

She jumped in surprise and quickly turned around with her heart beating faster than before.  There was a well-dressed man standing before her, hands in his dress pants.

"You are Amy Beltner correct." The man stated rather than asked.

"And you are?" She didn't want to confirm that she was indeed Amy, but with her question alone, that seemed like a confirmation.

The man pulled out his hands and hanged them loosely on the side, "Aaron." He looked at her from head to toe, "I know that this is a bit sudden, but you must report to our group leader soon.  So, I'm here to escort you there."

Amy rose a brow, "What?  What on earth are you talking about?"

"There is no need to pretend, there aren't any people around.  It's alright if we speak normally." Aaron said, "Like I said I'm here to take you to our group leader."

She took a step back, "Who the heck are you?" She tried to get some distance between him and herself.  Giving herself some space, enough to be able to run when needed.

He frowned, "I was informed that you already have been informed of this." From the way she acted, it seemed to him that something was wrong, but orders were orders.

Amy shook her head, "I don't know what you're talking about.  You must have the wrong person." She tried to walk away, but what he said next froze her in place.

"Amy Beltner, age nineteen, birthday June 16th, parents' Maria and Todd, address 2.... "

She quickly spoke up cutting off what he was saying, "How do you know all of that!?" She was terrified.  How could a complete stranger know all of this?  Was he the stalker from the other day?

Was he part of a mafia or an illegal organization or maybe a detective?

She felt as if her entire body was shaking, her brown hair was beginning to stick onto the already sweaty nape of her neck.

He brought up his hands to his suit jacket and reached one hand into it and pulled out a medium sized white envelope.

Aaron stretched out his hand to Amy, holding the envelope to her.

Amy looked at the envelope as if she were being pointed with a weapon, there was no telling what was in there.

'What if it's someone trying to frame me?' She licked her dry lips, 'No, what if it's a prank?' She tried to reason with herself.

The man, Aaron didn't look like he would do anything to her.  They were out in public.

'Will he go away if I just look at it?  I can throw it away afterwards after he leaves.' She reached out for the envelope.

Holding it, she looked at it as if she had been holding a dead rat with tongs.

He looked at her waiting for her to open it, his blue eyes seeming to give a silent but stern order for her to do so.

She opened the envelope and pulled out the neatly folded paper from inside, she frowned as she read the paper and shook her head.

"I don't know who you are, or what you want, but you clearly have the wrong person."

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