Chapter 15: Promotion

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Quick footsteps could be heard walking on the carpeted flooring as Amy walked behind Yessenia, as she was being led to where their manager was at.

'There should be no reason for a promotion.' She thought as they rounded a corner, 'I haven't really done anything worth a promotion.'

"Maybe they messed up the person.  Remember that there's another Amy aside from me." Amy reasoned.

Yessenia stopped walking and turned around, "Well unless there's another Amy Beltner at work, then it would definitely be a misunderstanding between who they were talking about, but you're the only Amy Beltner here." She turned back and continued to walk, "He was in the staff room the last time I saw him a few minutes ago when I left my lunch in the refrigerator."

They came to a stop, "I'll be going now." Yessenia said as she stopped at the open door of the staff room, "Let me know what he tells you, I'm kind of curious about it."

"Okay." Amy forced a smile, "I'll talk to you later."

Yessenia smiled back and turned around, her black skirt flowing out as she did so, "Bye." She waved.


Scratching at her cheek Amy called out, "Mr. Kalvin.  Do you have a minute to talk?" She asked as she walked over to the table Kalvin was at drinking his coffee.

Looking away from his coffee, Kalvin's hazel eyes turned towards her, "Yes.  Is something wrong?" He asked as she motioned for Amy to take a seat.

With a small "Thank you" Amy sat down across from him, "No, everything's okay.  I just wanted to confirm something with you."

His full attention on her, Kalvin placed his forearms on the table, his rolled-up sleeves exposing his arms as he did so, "About what?"

"I heard that I was getting a promotion.  Is that true?" Amy asked, "I just wanted to ask if they were baseless rumors."

Kalvin nodded as she spoke showing that he was listening to her, "Well, we were planning to tell you during your lunch break about it, but it's true.  You've been given a promotion." He affirmed as he moved his arm back to reach for his coffee.

"If you don't mind me asking, but what's the reason for the promotion?" Amy asked in confusion, "I've only been working here for two years, there isn't anything worth getting a promotion.  I work at the front desk.  All I do is some paperwork, greeting, calling and answering calls." She stated back what she had told Yessenia minutes ago at the front desk.

Kalvin held his cup of coffee in between his hands on the table, "About a week ago we had a guest come by it was on your day off.  He said that you were of great help to him when you helped his grandmother while she was here." He informed her, "His grandmother has been moved to a different place, but he wishes for you to be moved to where his grandmother is as a personal assistant in his office.  He's one of the doctor's in the facility, a sister care facility of ours."

Amy listened intently with a frown on her lips as she recalled a situation similar to what she was told, "That lady who collapsed at the front was his grandmother?" She asked, "I didn't do much, I just helped her a bit."

'Was first aid really that much of a deal?  Was she someone of a high status?' She mused to herself, 'Wait, is this one of those cliche novel type of scenarios the whole 'CEO falls in love with me' thing.' Amy's expression changed from confusion, worry and panic.  'Or maybe he's just really trying to find some way to thank me?'

"For this promotion, you'll have to move." Kalvin's statement shook Amy from her thoughts.

"Move?  How far away is it?" Amy figured it would be in the next town over which was half an hour away.

Kalvin tapped his index finger on his cup for a few seconds, "It's about sixty hours away or so."

"Sixty!" Amy exclaimed in surprise.

"That's why it would be best if you move closer to the new place you'll be transferred to."

Letting out a silent sigh Amy slowly nodded, "Is there a time for when I have to leave?"

"No, but it would be best if you can get ready by the end of this month."

Absently, Amy nodded, "Can I think about this for a bit?"

"Sure, that's fine.  If you reject the offer that's okay."

'It's June sixth, so I only have twenty-four days.  If I do go t least I'll be able to spend my birthday with my family.' She stood up and thanked Kalvin, "Then, I'll start to get things ready if I do decide to go.  Has someone already been decided to take my place?  Do I train them?"

Also standing up, Kalvin responded, "We have someone in mind, and no you won't have to train them.  And before I forget you won't have to worry about housing."

Tilting her head in confusion she replied, "Okay.  Thank you." And with that Amy walked out of the room.

'How do I tell my family, and them' Amy pursed her lips, "Do they have an employee housing?"


"Go ahead."

Amy rose a brow in confusion, "This isn't a joke, right?" She asked as she looked at Melody who was sitting on the gym mat in front of Amy.

"No.  Take the promotion, it wouldn't be so bad if you did." Melody said as she stretched out her legs.

"Okay." Amy drawled out not completely trusting her, but 'Maybe this is a good chance to break ties with them and live normally.' She thought with a nod to herself, "I just need to tell my parents about it."

Amy's parents were excited at the news of a promotion, but disappointed that Amy would have to move away for the promotion.

"We really can't stop you, you're already an adult, we can give you our advice and suggestions though.  If you want to go, then go for it." Todd said, "Though you have to make sure to call us often.  Don't forget."

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