Chapter 12: Completed with Questions

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'Why am I here?' Alexandra looked at the two men sitting in the table across from her playing a game of chess.

The son, Andrew, had arrived hours earlier than expected and the first thing he had demanded after arriving was a game of chess after eating and showering.

"I've never met someone who could beat me at chess." He directed at the person sitting on the other side of the table with the chess board in between them, "You're one of a kind James." His eyes lit with excitement.

Andrew then directed his glance at the window, looking at the young maid standing beside the window, "That's a new face.  I've never seen her before.  Is she new?" His green eyes watched her for a few more seconds, "What's your name?" He asked her.

She bowed her head slightly in greeting, "I'm Alexandra Spencer.  I'm one of the two new temporary hires." Alexandra said as she once again stood up straight, with her hands neatly folded across her stomach.

"Temporary?" He hadn't heard of a temporary maid, 'Guess I've been gone longer than I thought.'

"Yes, as you may remember one of our maids had to leave for personal matters for a while, and in her stead, she recommended both Alexandra and Madison, the other maid, to temporarily work in her place." James informed as he placed down his chess piece, "Checkmate."

Andrew glanced back at the chessboard with a huff, "How many times have I lost already?" He mumbled.  He tapped his right index finger on the table before picking up the white marbled bishop.  Holding it between his fingers he set it down next to the queen.

"If you don't mind me asking, how old are you?  You look fairly young to be here." Andrew once again glanced at Alexandra taking in her appearance, brown hair tide back in a bun, dark purple rimmed glasses over dark brown eyes, and a birthmark on her chin to her mouth.  There was nothing out of the ordinary, even her clothing was neatly worn, black shirt and pants with a white apron worn on top, 'Guess she liked the pants better than a skirt.'

His mother had let all female staff to decide if they wanted to wear skirt or pants, "It's not fair that woman are only to wear skirts as maids.  I'd personally prefer wearing pants when doing certain work around the house." Was what she had said before implementing a new dress code.

"I'm twenty years old." Alexandra answered back, "Is there something wrong?" She tentatively asked starting to wonder if by some chance she had caught his eye and he was trying to make a move on her.

Andrew shook his head, "No.  Merely curious, but a piece of advice it'd be best if you tried to stay away from some of my father's guests." He paused, "Some of them aren't the best and...." He glanced at her form head to toe, "Some are fond of young maids.  As you may have noticed that there aren't many maids as young as you here."

Swallowing she nodded, "Thank you for the advice, I'll keep that in mind." She internally let out a sigh of relief.


"It couldn't have been this easy?" Alexandra whispered as she looked at the small pile of documents, "I thought it was going to be one or two pages.  But you brought back a book size of paper."

Madison tucked away the documents, "There aren't that many." She glanced up at Alexandra, "You better start getting ready to leave, James is going to get in contact with the maid that recommended us and have her return."

"Finally! The anxiety was getting to me, I thought that I was going to be found out.  I made too many mistakes.  I think I lost weight from all the stress."

It didn't take long for the other maid to return and for the two of them to leave their work as maids.

"Isn't this a little too much for this last week's pay?  We didn't even finish this week." Looking at the check in her hand Alexandra asked, "And this one too." She waved two checks around to emphasize what she was talking about.

A one-thousand dollar check for only one week, plus four hundred check.

"The young master gave you both a bonus.  He often gives bonuses for work well down at the end of each month.  And the other one is what you were paid for all the work you both did even though you were temporary employees."

'Just how rich are they to be giving bonuses to all the employees.' She thought of all twenty employees.


While on their way back to town and after changing out of their disguises, Amy was given a passbook.

Opening it and seeing her name on it she asked, "What's this for?"

"This is your pay for your first mission completed." Melody said as she reached over and tapped the passbook in Amy's hands, "All further pay for missions will be deposited to this account, "You can take it with you or leave it with us.  Also, you don't have to worry about this account, this account is made by our organization."

Amy slowly nodded, "I think I'll keep it for now." She numbly said as she looked at the numbers displayed, "I hardly did anything so why am I being paid so much?"

Melody laughed, "This isn't much compared to what the others get paid.  You did well in this mission."

After their discussion on the passbook and account, Amy brought up a question, "The checks we got from working as maids, the names of them are our aliases, what do we do about that?"

"Don't worry about that.  We'll take care of that, you can have it deposited to this account." She pointed at the passbook, "Or we can have a new check sent to you and you can deposit it to your own account."

"I'd like the check please."


"I didn't know working as a maid paid so much." Maria had said after Amy had told her of her work and last pay.

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