Chapter 19: True Face

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The class had been arranged by alphabetical order and just as Joshua had said to Jacqueline earlier, they were indeed seated near each other.  Or rather Joshua behind Jacqueline.  Jacqueline was Moore, while Joshua was Morris.

Their target, Elizabeth, was in the row next to them second seat from the front, while theirs was in the middle of the row.

"Now that you're all seated, I'll be handing out the class syllabus which I want you all to memorize since I will be testing you all tomorrow with a small quiz on what's written here." Their teacher said as he held up one of the syllabuses in his hand to show the class, "Pass them back." He handed a small stack to the student in front of him and had them pass it to the person behind them.

Their teacher, Robert did the same with the other rows.

The majority of the class was spent reading through the syllabus, and introducing themselves, something that Jacqueline was relieved to know.

'I'm horrible at remembering names.' She lamented inside.  The number of times she had forgotten someone's name after hearing it once were too many to count.  She had to repeat the names over and over at work to remember them, 'Though I think I've gotten better at remembering names a bit more easily.' She thought to herself as she thought back at the "mental training" Melody called it to make her memorize every single thing needed to do during a mission.

"You have to memorize every single detail the first time you read and hear it, second time at least.  It's important that you don't rely on anything else aside from what you need to remember, and you won't be able to take anything with that information with you."

As each student introduced themselves, Jacqueline intently stared at their face trying to link their name to their face, 'Memorize any special trait.'

She took in the smallest of details, if there was a mole, a scar, the way they spoke, any quirks while speaking.

"Hello, I'm Jacqueline Moore.  I just transferred here, nice to meet you." Jacqueline said then she promptly sat down, the next person sat up and introduced themselves as well.


The other classes went the same as all the others, reading the syllabus, introducing themselves, and some of them even gave assignments on the first day while others just like the math class had them memorize the syllabus for a small quiz.

"I think have a thesis amount of pages in my bag now from all the syllabuses I've gotten so far." Jacqueline said as she plopped herself down in the small office connected to the gym.

Aaron, now Martin gave her an impassive look, "You'll be getting one from me too." He stated making Jacqueline sigh, "Have thought of how to approach her?"

Jacqueline set down her purple backpack on the ground beside her legs, "No.  I'll watch for a couple of days, maybe three or four and then start to talk to her when she comes into class." She hummed, "Maybe I can use the excuse of being in so many classes together to talk to her about out classes."

"Sounds okay." Aaron responded as he fully turned his chair towards her, "Should you really be here?  It's lunch time, and I'm sure you would find it more beneficial to be with Joshua." He looked down at his phone which had vibrated on the desk, "Look, he just messaged me that he can't find you.  Do you have his number?"

Her eyes widened, "I forgot to give it to him!" She gasped, "Ask him where he is?"

"I already told him that you were here with me, he's going to come here."

"Should we make your office as our meeting place?" Jacqueline added.

Martin said nothing for a few seconds, "Well, I am your uncle.  You can visit me during lunch along with your aunt, and new friend."


The first few days passed as Jacqueline remembered form when she was in school merely two years ago.  Students getting to know the person they took a liking to in class, and some trying to talk to that one person some were trying to get to know better.

Elizabeth Rossi, she seemed to always have someone near her everywhere she went, hardly was she seen alone.

On the fourth day of school during lunch, Jacqueline opened the door to one of the bathrooms upstairs but froze in place as she heard an all too familiar voice.

'Is that Elizabeth?'

"Give him this and you're sure to pass the first exam for that class." Jacqueline heard her say, "I can get anything with a single wave of my hand."

"Thank you so much!" Another voice answered excitedly.

Jacqueline slowly opened the door more trying to get closer to hear, but the door slightly creaked making her stop once again.

"You know you can't say this to anyone."

"Of course.  You don't have to worry about that."

Jacqueline frowned in confusion, 'Are they doing something illegal?'

"Remember I can get anything I want.  But just the same I can make some changes.  I've had someone suspended for a while.  Keep that in mind."

Jacqueline clenched her left hand tightly on the door handle, 'She abuses her connections for her own gain and benefit.' She furrowed her brow, 'If she finds out who I am, will I also end up facing those connections?  Or maybe she'll lose those connections if she tries to meddle in with the mission.'

Not wanting to hear anymore Jacqueline let out a loud sigh as she fully opened the door with a creak.

Seeing the two girls in the bathroom Jacqueline greeted them and went to the sink to wash her hands.  Looking up at the mirror, she saw the other girl leave, leaving only Jacqueline and Elizabeth alone in the bathroom.

Elizabeth looked at her in the reflection, "Is there something you want to ask?" She asked, it was obvious that Elizabeth was trying to probe her to know if Jacqueline had heard anything.

Jacqueline looked at Elizabeth's reflection in the mirror, 'So this is who she really is."

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