Toy Making

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Strolling into Jason's workshop, Finn wrung his hands together nervously. He hadn't been here, he had only gone a few steps out of his room the months he had been here. The building itself seemed to be very large, and Finn felt as though it kept going on forever,  hallways and rooms were everywhere, the multi colored walls and carpets making the male feel disoriented.

"Finn, you've found your way here! And your casts are off. Lovely" a sing-song voice rings out, excitement lacing his tone. Jason appears from beside him, seemingly out of nowhere. The sudden interaction pulls Finn from his lulled state.

"Oh, yeah" he replies, his eyes casting downwards, towards one of the carpets. Finn was still weary, he didn't know if Jason really wanted to be friends with him again, he didn't know how to feel about the interaction they had earlier. About how sweet he was, and his apology. Finn was nervous, scared, and confused. But he hoped Jason could maybe ease those least a little bit.

"Are you alright? You seem to be a little down, I was hoping to cheer you up" Jason interrupts the others thoughts, giving a hopeful look.

Finn nods, giving a small 'yes I'm fine' as an answer to the question.

"Great come come, I wanted to teach you my craft"  the toymaker pulls Finn by the hand to a workbench and table. Tools of all shapes and sizes were laid out neatly, as well as many fabrics, foam and sewing items.

"I wanted to make something special with you, something that could be memorable!" Jason giggles, sitting and patting the open spot next fo him.

"Have a seat, and I'll teach you" 

Nodding, Finn takes a seat, accidentally brushing himself up against the toymaker, a blush of embarrassment takes over his cheeks. Though, Jason didn't seem to notice because he kept smiling, beginning to talk about making a simplistic plushie.

Finn wasn't really listening, he wanted to, but he could only focus on Jason's face. The way he spoke and his eyes. Finn studied him, noticing the way his eyes were sparkling with a certain creative light, and the way his mouth would contort into a large smile as he spoke. It was, attractive to Finn. But he would never openly admit that. He knew it was weird to think like that, so he chose not to.

"Alright now you try" Jason's last words broke through Finns train of thoughts.

"Er, I don't think I understand how to do it..yet, could you help?" Finn mumbles, scratching behind his neck awkwardly, to which Jason only gives a beaming smile, possibly proud that he could be of use.

"Of course, I can make sure your work is just as perfect as mine!" He chuckles, scooting ever closer to Finn.

So close, that Finn could smell the scent of an expensive colone adorning the toymakers clothes. It smelled of berries and nature. Finn liked it and almost dared to ask what it was, but he assumed Jason would think he was weird for asking, so instead he just enjoyed being in the postion he was in.

"So, you take the fabric and sew it here, and there. Then we can pick a different color to do here" it was perfectly easy to understand what Jason was saying as he explained. He physically pointed and held things up for Finn to see. So he followed along, for the sake of not embarrassing himself anymore than he already had.

Using the needle, he sewed along the line Jason told him to, earning a surprised grumble from Jason. It fueled Finn to keep going.

'Maybe I could do this, maybe I can be good enough for him'

"Good job! You got it on your first try, normally it takes years of practice.  I'm proud of you" Jason admits, wrapping an arm excitedly around Finn, but soon pulling away, mumbling


"You're okay, thank you" Finn replies, giving Jason a small smile of genuinity. Jason only smiles back casting his eyes away for a moment before turning back to the project.

"Uhm, so where were we? Ah yes,  you need to pick another color so we can make the ears." Jason says, pointing to a few different colored pieces of fabric. One was a light baby blue, the next a deep red much like Jason's own hair, and a light lavender color.

"Oh I'd have to go with the red, it seems like it would fit better" Finn immediately says, placing a finger on the fabric.
Jason nods, his hand grazing the thin fabric as well.

"Shall we make a rabbit? Or what animal would you like?" Jason asks, looking towards Finn.

"I'd have to say a rabbit, they're just too cute not to have one" He replies lightly.

"Okay, let's finish this then"


Finishing the last sew, Finn ends the line and places the needle back in its place on the threads roll. Jason had put Finn in charge of working on the plushie until he got back from dealing with an unknown problem. 

As soon as Jason walks back into the room, Finn looks over, his back aching from the amount of time he had been hunched over the work table.

"I finished it" He says lightly, presenting the now finished rabbit plushie. Which obviously wasn't alive, at least to Finns knowledge. As soon as the toymaker sees it, his sour looking expression turns to that of happiness.

"You did it! Let me see" He practically sprints over to Finn in an attempt to see the stuffed animal, gasping as he takes it in between his hands.

"Oh my God, you did such a good job Finn, this is splendid"

Finn nods, smiling sheepishly. He had never really liked to do anything like this, toy building was never his thing until now. And Finn would do this a million more times if that meant that he could spend some more time with Jason.
"Thank you, getting a compliment like that from you is the best thing I could ever hear" obviously he was over exaggerating, but he couldn't help it- Jason was slowly beginning to grow on him again, and he felt like friendship wasn't exactly what his brain was wanting anymore...but pushing that back down, he looked to the other.

Jason gives the most genuine smile Finn had ever seen and pulls the other in for another hug, pulling him up and out of his seat at the work table for Finn to lay his head on Jason's chest.
"That means so much you don't understand" the toymaker mumbles, his embrace tightening considerably. Finn didn't want to let go, but his ribs were beginning to hurt and he didn't need another wound or bruise to worry about, so he pulled away first,  smiling towards Jason who looked far away, though a smile still present on his face.

"Jason?" Finn calls out, looking up to him. The redhead looks to him, blinking out of his thoughts.


"It feels like it's getting late again, is it okay if I get some rest?"

"Of course, I'll talk to you tomorrow" Jason takes Finns hand, in a friendly way right? Just a friend way. He smiles and says goodnight, Finn replying soon after.

"Goodnight Jason" He pulls away and strolls back to his room, to hopefully get some rest...or daydream about what just happened (with his new plush rabbit)

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