Then to Him

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[An: just to let you know I am a gay man ✋ and also TW for harassment and bullying about sexual orientation.. and blood]

"God would you stop following me!" A males voice rang out in the almost empty street. A group of teenagers walked mockingly behind him, calling out with a smirk
"Here fag boy"
"Go home to your dad and suck him off!"

The boys keep laughing until the older turns around, pulling a large pocket knife from his hoodie after purposely turning down an alleyway.
"I'd advise you to shut the fuck up before I hurt you little group of dipshits, I'm the adult here, not you." He replies lowly, he had been dealing with this bullshit ever since highschool, and his senior year was three years ago, so any normal person would have assumed it would stop after graduating. Absolutely not, he had no friends, no family, and no money. His mother abandoned him after he turned 18 and his grandparents died before they could write him in the will. Everything went to his sister and little brother, who wanted absolutely nothing to do with him. He could care less though, he didn't want their sympathy. The only thing he had was about 5 dollars, a backpack of clothes and his pocket knife, he would leave town but then he probably couldn't make it five miles out, they were in the middle of nowhere with nothing around them but trees and mountains. The only thing he enjoyed was the sunsets that he could see every single night from the inside of an abandoned van.

Getting thrown from his thoughts he felt himself being carelessly tossed into the side of a dumpster, his head clanging against it painfully.

"Bitch" He shrieks, his knife gripped tightly. The other boys were larger than him, but it didn't stop him from wanting to fight, his hands were trembling though, he was terrified that he would die, he wanted to, but not like this. One boy, he learned their name as Tage, lunged for his throat, but he quickly swung the knife up, the blade slamming in between his upper and lower arm, basically right in the elbow.

The boy screams, blood spurting out onto the concrete below them all. The other boys start to curse, ganging up on the oldest, the one who was really just trying to find a place to cool off in the middle of summer.

"Shit..." He mutters, taking his chance and sprinting off, his bag hitting against his spine harshly, but he couldn't drop it, it was the only personal thing he really had left. He didn't know what to do, he had never found himself on this side of town before, all of the shops were old and run down. But that was fine, he wondered if he ran into a shop someone would protect him... he didn't think so, but he had to try. The closest building was about 20 feet from his location now, he looks back, and the boys are hot on his trail, Tage though- is no where to be seen. He probably went to go and tell the cops.
'Great, another problem other than DYING to deal with' his mind grumbles angrily. He was so going to slice their throats if he got a chance... if he wasn't in prison for almost killing a minor. But now he had to focus on running, the black shop door came into focus, and he grabbed the silver handle, slamming down on it and quickly running in and shutting it, locking the door in response, he was glad it was an old door, with a small window instead of the whole door being a window. The leader of their group, Asther, glared menacingly through the glass window, as the older panted, taking in as much air as he could. Asther held his fist up to the window, looking as if he was about to slam it through the door, but a large man came stalking past the oldest, giving a look before opening the door.

"What, is the meaning of this?" He hissed, his hand gripping the knob tightly in one hand, and a hammer in the other.
"I was trying to work, but then all I hear is you!" He turns to the oldest male, then back to Asther.
"And you, look to be attacking this poor young man. Isn't it a school day for you?" The man retorts.
"Go, before I call the police department."
Asther gives a shocked expression, glaring daggers behind the tall man, towards the one with a bag, before running off.
The redheaded man turns towards the other.

"Now you, what is your name? And how old are you? Why were they attacking you?" He bombards, his amber eyes narrowing dangerously, the other swore he saw the man's eyes flash green.

"Uh-.. I'm Finn. I'm 21, they always harrass me, I can't escape them.." Finn, that was his name, Finn. He had to remember that, he pauses.
"So..are you going to report me..?"

The vintage looking man slams the door shut, rubbing his face for a moment before looking back up at Finn.
"No, no. I'm not going to report you. There would be nothing to gain out of that. But listen, those idiots are..well dangerous looking, so be more careful. You're very young, they could kill you" he pauses,
"Where do you live? I can help you home."

Finn sucks in a breath, giving a sheepish smile, silently so thankful the man was being kind.

"I don't have a home"

"'re homeless?"

"Pretty much.."

"Oh, dear. That's not good. Here stay right here."

The man goes out of sight, a few moments later bringing out a water bottle and some crackers.

"I only have this at the moment, I do apologize. So your name is Finn correct?"

Finn takes the offering gently, cracking open the bottle and drinking it quite fast, soon eating the crackers as well.

"Yeah you've got it right, you're kind mr... uh-" He replies, swearing he had been told the man's name, but most likely not.

"Jason, just Jason." Jason interrupts kindly. To which Finn nods quietly, in thought more or less.

"So you have absolutely no where to go?" Jason asks, breaking the silence between the two males.

"Well, I sleep in this van. It's not insulated or anything but it keeps the rain and bugs out, so I can't complain, I can't drive it either the engine is totally gone, and it's been pretty much stripped for parts" Finn says, rubbing his arm.

Jason only nods in response. Biting his lip lightly. Finally speaking once again.
"Well, since the day is only beginning I suppose you can stay here and chat with me, then when it gets dark I can take you to van. Deal?" The male holds out his hand, smiling very lightly, Finn looks suspiciously towards his hand, but sighs taking ahold of it and shaking it firmly, not knowing what he was going to get himself into with the rather charming toymaker.

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