The Shop

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Finn woke up in the morning, his back and body aching from being thrown against that stupid dumpster yesterday. Rolling over, he slowly rises, deciding to maybe go and check some of those berry bushes he found, maybe they would be consumable.

Going out of his little 'home' Finn thinks about what Jason had done and said yesterday. Finn wondered why the toymaker would want to help him in the first place?? Were people truly that generous? He had no idea, and frankly, he also knew that staying in a shop would be better than staying in a van that had none of the basic requirements to help him live. So he figured going back to Jason's shop will prove to be a good idea.

For now, Finn had to wait until afternoon. So he would probably just wander around and gather up his things to take to Jason's shop. He wondered if Jason was going to trust him, he also wondered if the toymaker lived in his shop? If he didn't then that would be a little strange, trusting someone he barely knew to sleep in his prized toyshop.
At this point, Finn didn't care, he was just glad Jason had even offered him the option.


12 rolls around fairly quick and Finn has to hurry to make it to the toy store in time. When he does, he can see its packed full of children and parents. He grumbles angrily, he hated people. And from the way the toy store had been pretty much abandoned yesterday, he assumed business was always slow....
What an idiotic assumption.

Pushing his way through the crowd, a few parents glared at him, pulling their children closer. Finn ignored them though he didn't care at all. He got up to the register and there he was, looking absolutely stressed. Jason's mahogany hair was strung out, looking like he hadn't brushed it, or he had grabbed his hair in frustration.

"Jason!" Finn calls out.
The toymakers head snaps in the direction of Finns familiar voice.

"Finn! Hello" He responded, checking out another three toys  for two spoiled looking Brats and their mother. He handed them over and the mother let Jason keep the change.

"Here let me help you, there's way too many people here for you to handle on your own man" Finn pips up, going behind the counter quickly, Jason doesn't respond to him, but continues checking customers.


"Thank you, have a good day sir, and little ma'am" Finn finishes, handing a little elephant toy to the child who happily giggles and runs off with her dad. Who smiles.
The two males had sat here for three hours, dealing with those stupid kids.

"Thank you so much, I didn't think I'd ever see the last of them" Jason mumbles, laying his head in his hand and yawning.
a little later, speaking again,
"I have your room set up, it's below mine, so I'll have to come through to get out here"

"Thank you, I really appreciate it man, I haven't had anyone be this kind to me before" Finn replies, thanking the toymaker genuinely. Jason nods, in acknowledgement.

"Come, I'll show you to your room so you can place your stuff down."


Finn follows the toymaker, picking up the bag he placed down when he was helping at the counter.
in the next room Jason had a small room that was under a staircase, connected to the workshop. it had no door, but it did have a small wall. It looked almost like a walk in closet, and Finn thought at one point it could have been. It was nice, but fairly small. A twin sized mattress with a fluffy blanket and a smooth sheet lay on the floor near the back of the room.

"Sorry that it's so small..this is all I have, because upstairs is my room, and my workshop is.. well down here in the room outside of here" Jason apologizes

"No no, this is perfect, its bigger than than van and that is really nice, at least I won't have to sleep in the heat. Thank you" Finn responds, leaving his hands to say it was completely okay.  He was so so happy that Jason gave him a place to stay.

"Well, I'll leave you to get settled in. I'll bring some dinner as well around five. How does... take out sound?"

"That sounds amazing, thank you"

"You're welcome, feel free to get some rest"


After those few hours pass, Finn is settling in nicely, he had changed into a plain white button up shirt that hung loosely to his figure and was buttoned down about two buttons, and a simple pair of black pants, with black socks on...though it did have a hole in the side.
He had just finished when Jason comes back from getting food.

"I'm back! Here is your food, should you want to converse, I'll be upstairs"  He hands over the food and hums, going upstairs quietly.

Finn smiles, he felt cared for. And it was an amazing feeling, one that he hasn't felt for almost three years.
He decides that going upstairs would be a fun experience because from how large the shop is, he could imagine what it looked like up there, so he excitedly walked to the stairs and took a look at them. They were fairly pretty, a deep maple color with the wood finely carved. It smelt.. like wood, but expensive wood. If that was even a thing.

He walked up the stairs and stopped at the top, a hallway greeted him pleasantly,  and a room was to the right of him. 'Must be his bedroom then' he continues walking, and sees another door 'probably the bathroom'
at the end of the hall was a kitchen area and a dining room. Where Jason sat alone, picking at his takeout with an almost sad look on his face.
'Oh no I hope I didn't make him sad'

Finn clears his throat and Jason's face melts into a smile.

"You came up here! Hello friend. Come sit down and we can talk"

Finn takes a seat next to the toymaker, feeling slightly awkward, but he could get over it. He was just nervous.

"Ah I forgot to mention, I'll put your little doll on your room tomorrow. I have to make a clip for her hair" Jason pipes up, pushing some hair out of his amber eyes.

"Oh! I completely forgot you gave her to me, thank you" Finn replies, beginning to eat his food, relishing just how amazing it felt to eat a real meal.


Eventually, Finn opens up a bit. And Jason is right along with him. Speaking freely and casually, only getting up to toss their things in the trash.
Turns out, Jason and Finn had many things that they both liked. As in music, style, and what their favorite eras were. To be honest, Finn quite liked Jason, he seemed to almost forget about the weird feelings  he had received when they first met, brushing it off as just some stupid paranoia he had dwelling inside of him. It didn't matter now anyways. The toymaker was being friendly and open, much more than he was yesterday.
They were laughing, cracking a few jokes, and overall just having a nice time when Jason gets up from the dining table.

"Well, I think you should get some rest. You haven't slept in a real bed for awhile gave you? I hope you like the covers. They're the only thing I could find until I can sew something else. Tomorrow, when i get a chance I'll set your doll on a little nightstand that I have to place in the room as well"  His voice says lightly, giving a knowing look at the bed part.

Finn nods, stretching backwards in his chair with a yawn, he was exhausted, and the pain he had woken up with was slowly becoming worse the more he wanted to Close his eyes. So, Finn got up giving Jason a smile.

"Yes, thank you. Goodnight, I'm thankful that I ran into your shop instead of someone else's yesterday" Finn comments, waving to the toymaker before going downstairs, into his room, and flopping down onto the bed.

"God this feels so nice.." He mumbles, pulling the covers over his shoulders and onto his face. Gripping the one pillow he had, he pulls it closer, almost instantaneously fluttering his eyes closed and drifting off into dream land.

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