What Can I Say?

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Jason's head pops through a Crack in Finns door about two hours after dinner had been finished. Finn, was laying on his side, reading something Danie probably brought him, he hadn't even noticed that he was being watched.
How sad.

Jason crept in, closing the door behind him, which finally got the males attention.

"Mfh" was the only sound that Finn made before looking back down to his book. Which Jason could now read as

'Creepy Urban Legends'

"Ah, I see you like to read upon Urban Legends as well" Jason begins, grabbing the same chair he had sat in three months ago, bringing it to sit next to Finn. He nods, turning the page.

"Have you found your favorite yet?" The toymaker asks, propping a leg up on the edge of Finns bed. He nods, taking the pages between his hands and turning them back. A picture of the goat man's bridge popped up. Jason knew this one, he was quite familiar actually. He had learned of it a very long time ago.

"I love that one, my favorite is the Jersey Devil."  A light smile graces his lips as he speaks, feeling a genuine happiness that Finn was willing to cooperate with him.

The male flips to the table of contents, then to the page number it addresses in. Reading through the story he nods, closing the book once he was done.

"That, was an interesting one" He mumbles, looking up to Jason.

"I know, that's why I like it so much" the toymaker replies, pushing a strand of red hair away from his amber eyes.

They stare at one another for awhile, not awkwardly, just not knowing what to say. That is, until Finn finally pipes up, though his voice was soft and almost cautious.

"Why have you come to visit me only now?" A pause,
"Were you..mad at me?"

Jason shakes his head, placing a hand lightly onto the bed.
"No, of course not. I'm not mad, I'm completely okay, I've been okay. I've missed you, and I've isolated myself so I wouldn't hurt you, or scare you"

Bits and pieces were obviously exaggerated, or at least Jason pretended they were. Finns eyes soften at his words, beginning to, maybe believe that Jason had good intentions, even if he was just particularly bad at expressing them right.

"I am truly sorry for what I did to you. I'm not..I'm not human, you saw that. I haven't felt human emotions or done anything human for awhile and..It got out of hand" Jason explains, he wondered if Finn thought about how ugly he was, when they had fought. He wondered if he were truly terrifying in the form that rotted his skin.

Finn nods, closing his eyes and taking a breath.

"Yes?" He sounds almost hopeful, too hopeful. The toymaker was scared, what was he going to say?

"Jason..I can forgive you, but it's not like I'm going to forget you tried to hurt me. Tried to kill me" Finn says quietly.

Jason's face darkens, anger pooling in his chest. He hides it as best as he can with a smile, he takes Finns hand in his, the one that wasn't holding a book.

"Oh I understand darling, take your time to feel more comfortable around me. You know what?" He pauses, squeezing Finns hand.
"You're going to be spending more time with me. Every day actually, you need to start walking again anyways. Your legs should be ready to train back into walking, so this will be a good opportunity"

Finns face twists into a forced smile, anxiety coating his body in a cold chill.
"What about MoonBeam?" He asks, looking around at the empty room.

"He will be fine, he's with the other toys, so he should be getting along just great" Jason replies, looking at the door before fixing his hair.

"Anyways, I'm going to have to get going, it's late and I need rest. When I wake up I will wake you. Goodnight Finn" getting up, Jason forcefully pulls the black hair make in for a tight embrace, one that was suffercating.

"Goodnight.." Finn mumbles as Jason exits the room, the lock clicking into place soon after.




"Finn, HEY"

A groan escapes Finns lips as Finn is woken up by none other than MoonBeam, who is holding... the key to the door?

"Huh- how did you get that?" Finn wonders, bewildered and scared that Jason would come and be angry at him.

"Jason gave me one, told me to 'wake your ass up and make you take a shower' after we get those casts off." The cow plush replies, jumping off the bed.

"Right now? But.. aren't my bones still too-"

"Nope, we had a doc come by and give ya a check up. Wish he woulda gave you something for your stupidity though" the cow giggles, almost falling over in the process.

"A doctor..? Is he human" Finn replies, more to himself than anyone in particular.

"Well I mean, if you take getting sacraficed to a demon as human then yeah!" MoonBeam chuckles out. Finn only gasps.

'What, the fuck? This stuffed animal has to be tripping, there's no way..'

Sitting up, Finn Rubs his head. All of this, the last 6 months of his life felt like a fever dream. He felt like none of this was real, so much had happened, and most of it wasn't good. Though now, he hoped that things could go more smoothly.

"Anyways let's get this off ya,  Jackie boy taught me how to cut it, so I can do it"

"But your a plushie"

"So? You think just because I'm a toy it means I can't do what I want?"

"No.. no! Just do it, but if you cut me so help me sata-"

"Okay smart ass shut up so I can get started. Danie! Come here"

Mere seconds later Danie appears, holding the tools needed for the cast removal.

"Wait, wait so why couldn't the actual doctor do this?"

"He and Jason are busy. So I thought I'd help ya out." The plush responds, humming lightly.

"Uh! No, Danie can you.. go get Jason or that doctor guy? Please I would rather someone else do this" Finn says anxiously. The doll nods and rushes off to go and retrieve said doctor.


An: I'm ending the chapter here because I can💅 no I'm kidding, I'm ending it because I feel like it would be better

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