Chapter eight: (part 2) Cave of wonders

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(Captain's pov)
"Woah, this place is humongous" peso exclaimed, as we swam onwards. "Thank goodness" I whispered to myself. Unlike some caves I've been in, this one has some breathing room "and no ice to collapse underneath you" I thought, staring down, unable to see the bottom. "You're sure everything's okay captain?" Kwazii questioned once more. I nodded "everything's fine Kwazii" I said. "You sure?" He asked folding his arms. "Absolutely" I replied. "Hmft" kwazii huffed, turning to swim towards peso. While I appreciate Kwazii's concerns, I am, in this moment, fine. albeit a little paranoid but other than that, phobia sticks like tacks in the bottom of you're boot but this I can tolerate, I can't exactly turn away from every cave, the best way to handle fear, for me at least, is to face that fear head on and refuse to let it take control. If there's something you're afraid of, take that something and make it a piece of you're armor so it can't hurt you anymore

"Captain" peso yelled, breaking me out of my thoughts. I swam towards the pair as quickly as I could. "What is it peso?" I asked in a rushed voice. "Look" he explained, holding a flipper out in front of him to point. "Wow" I exclaimed quietly. "How on earth did a pod of dolphins end up down here?" I questioned confused, watching creatures swim in circles. Suddenly, a thought occurred "where's kwazi?" I questioned, noticing the ginger cat's absence. "YEOW, ye dolphins are fast" kwazii exclaimed, appearing amidst the pod with a particularly young dolphin sticking close to his side "I could say the same to you, most can't even keep up with us" the dolphin explained. "Kwazii" I exclaimed, as peso and I swam up to him "any idea what's going on here?" I asked. "Are these you're friends?" The dolphin said, circling kwazii. "Aye, this is captain barnacles and peso. Meet me new friend dusty" kwazii explained. "What are you and you're pod doing in this cave?" I asked worried. "We're lost, one of the babies wandered into the cave.. we found him but we haven't been able to find the way back out" dusty explained.

"Shellington to captain barnacles" my compass vibrated. "Barnacles here, go ahead Shellington" I responded, answering the call. "How's the spelunking coming along?" The sea otter asked. "Well... have a look for yourself" I explained, flipping the camera around. "Jumping jellyfish" Shellington gasped, "what is a pod of white-sided dolphins doing in a cave?" He questioned. "We're lost" dusty explained, swimming in front of my octocompas. "Dolphins breath air captain, you need to lead this pod out of the cave as quickly as you can"

"Understood Shellington"

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