Chapter six: (part 4) Consider me ready

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(Captain's pov)
"Yeow, that was cool" kwazii exclaimed, after we exited the octo-shoot. I smiled, glad to see kwazii's having a good reaction to everything so far. A lot of new experiences at once can be rather overwhelming to some "this way" peso said, gesturing his flipper towards the door to the medical bay. We entered the room and I helped Kwazii up onto the exam table "how do you feel?" Peso asked, placing his stethoscope on kwazii's chest. "Painful" kwazii responded, before taking a couple of deep breaths as per peso's request. "You're lungs sound good" peso said, placing his flipper to his chin. "Most of these cuts and bruises look superficial" he explained, "can you tell me what caused them?" He added. Kwazii shrugged "I'd rather not think of it if that's okay, it's a little bit...touchy" kwazii replied, his expression sadden. I placed my paw on his in an attempt to comfort our new friend as peso nodded. Now, don't ask me why but I get the feeling kwazii and I might have had some similar experiences

(Kwazii's pov)
I looked down at me paw, feeling something covering it. Seeing Captain barnacles had placed one of his big white paws on mine made me realize just how big they are compared to me own. "I understand, if you ever feel like you want to tell us just say so. For now I'm going to tend to some of those cuts" peso explained, picking up a roll of bandages. "Aye" I replied, not putting much thought into it. Peso looked up at me confused "consider me ready in other words" I added. Peso nodded and went about wrapping my left leg with a bandage, meanwhile all I could think was how in the seven seas did a penguin and a polar bear end up in these warm waters?

(End of chapter six: Consider me ready)

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