Chapter one: (part 1) Recurring

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( Author's note: Shillington looks mad annoyed in this picture lol)

(Captain's pov)
Walking through a blizzard, trying to shield my sister Bianca from the north wind. I'm not sure how long we walked but we eventually came to a small cave and sheltered there "what are we gonna do?" Bianca shivered, "well, it's certainly not safe to be out in a blizzard" I explained, "we might be here for a while" I added, Bianca held her head in her paws and I knew she was crying "how are we going to find our parents? We're only cubs" she sniffled, attempting to warm her paws on my chest "who's gonna take care of us?" She asked, looking up to me with fear filled eyes "until we find natquik, I'll make sure you're alright" I said, trying to comfort my sibling, we nestled together for warmth and then....I wake up

My eyes flickered open, taking in my surroundings. My journal, open in front of me with my pen upon it. A new navy blue blanket underneath me, looking up and seeing several fish swimming past my...oh, what did tweak call it?...a pod, that's it. I turned to the bedside clock "mm, 5AM" I quietly hummed, standing to walk to my closet. Opening the door and seeing my new captain's uniform, knowing my environment hadn't drastically changed as it did consistently in the arctic was oddly..comforting, in a moment a screen built in the wall fizzled and a mint green rabbit appeared as the static dissipated "hia cap, sleep well?" Tweak asked with a little wave, "quite, yourself?" I replied, "yep" she paused to take a bite of a carrot "say, get dressed and come up to headquarters why don't ya?" She smiled, "sure, I'll be up in moment" I replied, tweak nodded as the static refilled the screen. As I got dressed, as it did every morning one thought ran though my mind "it's the same. dream. every night."

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