Chapter eight: (part 1) Cave of wonders

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(Barnacles pov)
Tweak has been teaching kwazii how to drive the gup-B, from what I've been told, it's going particularly well. today kwazii, peso and I are going out on an exploration, there's a cave near by and we're going to make sure all the creatures who live in and around the cave are doing well. "How can creatures live in sea caves? It's so dark inside there" peso asked, staring into the dark cave entrance. "Some creatures are bioluminescent meaning they can create their own light to see by, others use echolocation and sonar to find their way around" I explained. "You sure be a smart one captain" kwazii smiled, leaning his elbow on the dash of the gup-A. "Um, thanks" I replied, sounding more flustered than I would have liked. I appreciate the compliment... I'm just not quite sure how to react to them most of the time, I mean I'm just doing my job, does it really warrant any kind of  praise? "Now" I started, causing peso to jump a little "who's ready to explore?" I added. "It's about time" kwazii exclaimed, "YEOW" he yelled rushing to the back of the gup to grab an air tank. I shook my head at his excitement and picked up another tank and handed it to peso.

"It sure is... dark in there" peso gulped, hugging his medical bag to his chest. "Everything well be fine peso" I soothed, flicking the on switch of a flashlight before giving it to him. "This looks like the perfect place for a sea monster to hide" kwazii exclaimed gleefully. "" peso stuttered, backing away from the cave. "Kwazii" I exclaimed, giving the cat an annoyed *you're not helping* look and elbowing him in the side. "What?" Kwazii shrugged, looking as if he didn't get my point. I sighed, shaking my head "come on, let's go" I said swimming toward the cave, having grown tired of the exchange with my lieutenant. Darkness took over upon swimming in, bright blue turned to inky black. "Everything okay captain?" Kwazii asked. "Yes" I muttered shortly, "just thinking" I added, continuing ahead. There are some caves, like this one, that divide light and dark. a few steps in, the atmosphere thickens with awareness of the unknowns possibility staring back at you. From the outside, it's like peering into a void or a black hole. "Ah" I awed, entering a different part of the cavern. The sight layed out before us was like a star filled sky, except the stars were tiny glowing sea creatures. "Flappity flippers" peso smiled, realizing the cave might not be as scary as he first thought. "Well, I'll be a sea monkey's uncle" kwazii exclaimed. I've.. never heard it put quite that way before, as small lights danced around, I had a thought, caves are almost like doorways. Doorways to wonders

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