Chapter three: (part 2) The littlest penguin

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(Blood Mention tw)

(Captain's pov)
Driving along, I noticed peso covering his eyes with his flippers. "This is all new to you, isn't it?" I asked quietly. "I'm sorry captain, I.." The young penguin stuttered. "No need to apologize, it's alright to be afraid. The main thing is not letting that fear take control" I replied. We soon arrived at the ice flow, joining the rest of the crew. "Hiaya cap, who's you're friend?" Tweak questioned, as peso tried to hide behind me, as I'm the most familiar to him as of now. "This is peso penguin. Peso, I'd like you to meet my good friend Tweak" I explained. At that moment bellowing was heard "that doesn't sound good" I remarked. "eso suena aterrador" peso added in a small voice. "Unfortunately, that's the walrus. He's pretty worked up" Tweak explained with a sigh. "Are you ready peso?" I smiled, trying to calm the frightened avian. "Ready captain" peso responded, his voice still somewhat shaken. We followed Tweak to Dashi and Shellington, who were trying to soothe the walrus "it's alright, we're going to help you" Dashi explained, taking a step towards the walrus. A step too close for comfort if you ask me

(Peso's pov)
"Dashi look out" barnacles shouted, as the injured mammal began to thresh. He ran towards his crewmember, shoving her out of the way just as the bull slammed his tusks down into the ice. "Thanks captain, that was close" Dashi said relieved. "Are you alright?" The polar bear asked. "Yes sir" she replied, as she got to her feet. Barnacles however didn't try to stand and just stared at the walrus's long white tusks, something appeared to be troubling him. "Captain" I exclaimed, rushing over. "Are you alright?" I asked, grabbing his arm. "Yes peso, I'm fine" he replied, pushing himself off the packed down snow. "Are you sure?" I asked, knowing he wasn't telling the whole story. "Positive" he said, placing his paws on his waist. I decided to drop the conversation and turned to the walrus "what seems to be the problem?" I queried, opening my medical bag. "My flipper really hurts" the walrus cried out. "May I take a look?" I replied, my gaze locking onto a red fluid dripping onto the crisp white snow. The walrus held out his flipper and I gave it a good look over "Hmm, you need a bandage" I said, mostly to myself. I tend to talk to myself while I work, it's somehow comforting to voice my own thoughts. It's also good to let my patients know what's going on "there, good as new" I remarked, after swiftly wrapping his flipper in gauze and bandages. "Wow, that feels much better. You're a really good medic" the walrus said, thanking me. "Oh heh, no problema" I gushed, flustered by the bull's prize. "Here's a sticker for being such a brave patient" I smiled, placing the adhesive on the bandage. "Thank you very much, I will be on my way now. Bye octonauts" the walrus said, waving before diving back into the deep blue. Which reminds me, I never asked captain barnacles what the octonauts are

(Translation: "eso suena aterrador" is "that sounds scary" in spanish)

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