Chapter seven: (part 3) I'm your first mate now

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(Kwazii's pov)
The captain and myself are cruising along in the gup-A, after the recovery of some sort of coral that Shellington sent us after. As the captain drove us along in comfortable silence "Woah, look at the size of that whale" I exclaimed. "That's a blue whale Kwazii, they're the largest animal known to live" the captain explained, slowing the ship down to allow the ginormous beast to swim past. Suddenly, the gup was sent flying. With an accidental slap of it's tail the whale left us being thrown around the ship. Finally we came to a stop

"Are you alright?" Barnacles asked, helping me up. "Aye, but our ship be covered in rocks" I explained, glancing at the windscreen. The whale knocked the gup into a rocky outcropping causing a bunch of smaller rocks to pile on top of us, so needless to say we're trapped.

"Well, I don't think we're going anywhere's for a while, ey captain?" I said but got no reply. "Captain" I asked turning around. He had sat down next to the control center in the back of the gup. Hugging his knees to his chest with his eyes shut tight and his ears halfway flattened to his head, he look's afraid. "Um, are you okay?" I asked quietly, setting down next to him. No response, except a half-hearted attempt to curl into a tighter ball. I sighed, I don't usually do this but... desperate times call for desperate measures

(Captain's pov)
"Just don't hyperventilate.." seemed to be on repeat inside my mind. Of course, the crew well come and uncover the gup but... it's still too closed in for me to handle. Suddenly, I felt something warp around me and I could feel a slight vibration. As I forced my eyes open, I saw kwazii sat next to me and he put his tail around me and had started.. purring? "Um..kwazii..I" I stuttered. "Don't worry, I'm sure the rest of the crew can get us out of this" he warmly smiled. "Well, yes but that's not exactly the problem.." I explained. "I assumed so, why else did ya think I warped me tail around you matey" kwazii responded. "Tweak to captain barnacles" my octocompas blared. Kwazii picked it up "kwazii here, what'd ya need matey?" He asked. "Are you guys alright? The gup-A's gupfinder disappeared from the map" Tweak explained. "Aye, we're unharmed. The gup is buried in rocks, so we could use a paw" kwazii smirked. "Is barnacles alright?" Tweak asked, knowingly. "He's a bit preoccupied at the moment but he's not hurt" kwazii responded. "Good, just hang tight and we'll be there faster than you can say buncha munchy crunchy carrots" Tweak assured. With that the call ended "um.. thanks for this kwazii" I said, appreciative of his attempts to me feel better. The cat smiled "Don't mention it, after all I'm you're first mate now"

The origins: Whiteout Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat