Alternate End (The Enemy of Time and Space)

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There she was... Stumbling through the crumbling TTA HQ with a void wrapped knife in her coat, looking for the Moonjumper; His summoned snowstorm bringing back memories of the ice queen to her.
The Hat Kid's mind was brought back to her sight as she spotted her love obsession in danger.
Moonjumper hovered in front of Timmy defending a TTA member. "Move out of the way, Timmy! Or would you prefer to die now rather than later?!"
Hat Kid had yelled out to the Moonumper and managed to beg him to spare Timmy.
Although... that's not what happened here...
HERE... she choked up. Arrived a little too late. Felt a little less brave.

Moonjumper held Timmy in his clutches, firing up a moonbeam laser to kill. And kill Timmy he did! The Hat Kid watched as the Moonjumper shot his monocle laser at a collapsed power line, starting a wide fire! She froze and screamed internally as Timmy was put to the electrical fire! As he burned to death, The Hat Kid fell to the floor in tearful shock. The Moonjumper disintegrated Timmy's scorching corpse and floated onward without remorse.

The Hat Kid wasted a minute in tears before pushing forwards. Eventually she had found Mustache Girl and the vamps at the ship docks fighting Moonjumper in vain. He shot his monocle laser and disintegrated Mustache Girl where she stood!
The vamps Vonica and Xaven began taking off in Hat Kid's ship like she told them to before. Alas Moonjumper stretched his cosmic strings and sliced the ship straight in half! The vamps were exposed and disintegrated immediately!

The Hat Kid could wait no longer. She found the enraging courage spit up inside her and began charging from behind with void knife in hand! The Moonjumper panted from the excessive energy use before- "AUGH!" The blade of the void knife was punctured deep into his back by the Hat Kid! She ripped it out and attempted another attack but the Moonjumper snagged her wrist and threw her over him to the ground, relinquishing her of her secret weapon.
He opened a portal with his space strings and chucked the knife through, proceeding to close it. "Stupid, child!" he yelled.
The void bled down his back as he coughed some of it up.
The Hat Kid's hat had fallen and out rolled her emergency timepiece. She had snatched the hat back to her head first, diving for the timepiece! She grabbed hold of it but the Moonjumper's string was between, and he yanked it to him, slicing the Hat Kid's gloved palm open for a quick burning pain!
The Hat Kid crawled backwards in fear as the Moonjumper held her timepiece and wrapped it in spacestring; Smashing it to the ground and creating an eerie black timerift; Weakly floated towards the Hat Kid. While weakened, that didn't stop him. Not in the slightest. Without a word he picked up the Hat Kid by her throat and dragged her body across his strings, tearing her skin up with deep cuts as her panicked breathing became screaming! With a last slash to her face, the Moonjumper tossed the Hat Kid's body into the black timerift!

The Hat Kid awoke in aching pain, feeling warm blood down her face, seeing nothing but darkness and a white aura around her.
In another time; in another space; a tiny hatted child came to her older self's rescue. But in this here and now... She... was alone...
It would only be a matter of time till she passed out from bloss loss; That or the void snuffing out the tiny light in her delicate flower before consuming her.
She could do nothing but think. Think as she died, knowing that everything ANYTHING she held dear in the slightest was gone! All her friends, friendly acquaintances, her home and her robot companion. Gone. Not even corpses remained. Her ghost buddy did but right now all that swirled her mind was what she had lost.

The delirious Hat Kid began rambling to herself. "Will it end here? Like this?! In the darkness nothingness... Haha... No... Hahahaha! Ahhhhhhhhh!" Frustrated in bloodied terror she screamed to the darkness, "I... will... SUrVIve! And I will... KiLl the MOONJUMPER! For his forsaking of me..." She crawled through the void for minutes toward a distant light. Not wondering how much time her body had before it gave out. But she made it to the light. Where many more lights from delicate flowers fill a space with safeness from the void around it.

Enemies of Time and Space (A Hat in Time AU)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن