Chapter 17 (Color me Surprised)

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Approximately 45,990 days ago from Day 2241 A.O.
I was playing on the floor and my dad came over claiming he had a gift for me. He pulled out a plastic figure he said he made and I took it in my hands. Dad went back to his workshop as I played with the figure... The figure was of Moonjumper... I needed an answer to that but how to get it, I don't pecking know!
I stood the Moonjumper figure in front of me. "Hello, my name is Hailey, what's yours?"
Before it could answer, my mother sat next to me and said, "Listen, it's only natural to want to identify yourself, it makes individuals more unique. But sweetie... try... NOT to use your actual name if we ever have to leave this planet and see other people. For safety purposes." Her stern face meant she was serious since her sweet voice never let her show the grave importance of her words. "But... you are your own person. All I fully ask of you is to question everything and do what you feel is right."

As... you who stole my diary know, I am referred to as Hat Kid. That name came many many days after I was forced into the TTA. I'm actually not the one who made up that name. But I sure as owlshit kept it...! Because... I LIKE IT! :)

Mother continued to make me feel bad but I doubt she saw it that way. "In that notion, you should talk less, it'll do us some good," she said ruffling my hair.
She gave me a lot to think about so I took a stroll outside alone. Walking is good for any situation... Unless you're exhausted and your feet are blistering. Anyway...
My thinking didn't lead to any good so I snailed my way home.
Life likes to throw feathers in your face. Feathers that crush you to the unforgiving void of a new life.

I made it back home to the front door slightly open, which was concerning since mother always makes us keep it closed after entering and leaving. Seeing this memory now, after already experiencing it in my past, I realized this was the first time I sensed the sands of time, though from what, I know not. I pushed the door open quickly and saw my life as I knew it, end. Father was in front of Mother who faced me, keeping hold of something lodged in her gut. (A blade of the sort obviously)
I didn't see my father's face during that moment but I hope there was at least some guilt in him before he took his own life whenever afterwards. I mean... isn't that the reason he did it? Guilt?
Red blood leaked from mom's gut as she clinged onto dad with a look of pain and anger. She peered over dad's shoulder to see my horrified, shocked and confused face. With the liquid of tears and blood from her mouth, she looked to me and with dying breaths said, "Run! My icy sun..."

The rest followed me running away into the forest until my body tired out. I believe I've written about what happened before... Honestly not sure, but I explained it to a spider who is now queen. So I'll skip ahead to escaping Moonjumper's strings and falling off a cliff haha. Instead of hitting the ground and my life extinguishing, I fell through a timerift and awoke in the clocktower desert dimension. The same place Cavus took me.

My soul was split and 49 other Hat Kids ran around aggravated, some even started beating each other up! None of them spoke though which was intensely eerie.
For a short while I rested in the hot sand distraught and (technically) alone. Until over the horizon in my hazy vision, I saw Tim, the CEO of time, rushing over. He approached me out of breath. "It's okay, kid, this won't hurt," he said, injecting (the serum for time traveler blood) a needle into my arm quickly which only hurt a little.
While picking my exhausted self up, he asked me, "What's your name, kid?"
I realize little me was suffering, but they were pretty much just told to not tell anyone their name.
Little me responded, "I-it's Hailey L-L-Lōniris."
          "Lōniris...? That's... a mighty fine family name... What's your mother's name? If you don't mind my asking."
          "M-M-Mom..." my lips quivered and I broke down crying.
          "Hmm... We'll talk about how you ended up here later. Right now I'm getting you out of here. The snails out here are quite vicious, not to mention the giant worms in the sand," he said, squinting his 3 eyes and panning the terrain.

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