Chapter 6 (Dish Soap Ice Cream)

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It happened again. I had a dream memory of my time with my mother. Here's how it went,

Approximately 45,990 days ago from Day 2,235 A.O.

It was early morning when I woke in a fright with my mother covering my mouth.
"Come Hailey, it's raining outside. Don't wake your father by talking," she whispered, letting go of my mouth. I stumbled out of bed and walked to the front door with my eyes drooping. I stretched my arms out to the side and mom put my yellow raincoat on me over my usual comfy purple sweater coat or whatever you want to call it. She pulled the faded purple hood over my head as I stepped out into the mild rain. Light enough to feel and hear but not drench you. I was always dragged away from what I was doing, even sleeping to walk in the rain with her. Dad didn't approve of such a thing as he saw it to be excessive, but mom was a very good persuader to keep him okay with it. Dad told me in the future he only really allows it, is because being in the rain is one of the only times when mom feels safe and it makes him happy to know that. It might just be because of me following my mother throughout that activity, but, I feel the same as she does about that these days.

Mom took me by the hand and we began walking. She carried a black parasol for the rain like the rest of her outfit and was overfilled with happiness in the sky water.
          "Mom, why are you always so happy in the rain?"
          "Because, my icy sun. It's just serenity no matter what strength it's precipitating, but it also brings our family extra safety."
I don't know why it brings... Brought our family safety but I really want to know.
She's a... Was (I need to stop doing that) a very mysterious person.

Day 2,236 A.O.
I woke up and wrote down the dream memory then got out of bed to awaken everyone else. The ship landed not too far off the ground which must've been Mustache Girl screwing up the coordinates to land in space. She could have killed us! My coat still had a tear in it so I sewed that up quickly.
I tucked my me doll into my bed so it would be comfortable and cozy while the real me continued her dangerous journey across space, and maybe time.
Moonjumper was standing by the window staring at the rainy horizon while Rough Patch was fluffed up and sitting on Mustache Girl's leg waving its tail around. I pulled Mu's hood over her head and booped her nose which woke her up whining. Mu got herself up and stuck her two middle fingers to me.
          "Umm, what does that mean?" I asked.
          "Oh, it's a uhhh... peace symbol."
          "You know, I really don't think it is but if you say so."
SS lay flat on his stomach and face with his arms outward. His bunny-like ears on his... hood? Head? Whatever they are, they twitched as I crouched down to poke his head and wake him up; when he jerked his head up and scared the peck out of me!
I swiftly kicked him in the head and skittered backwards. He giggled as my face was in shock and fear. I sincerely hope that kick to the face hurt him even though he didn't show it.

After everyone was up and prepared to teleport down, we all went up to the window and stared out at the rain.
SS said something that I just can't get behind, "Truly am not sorry, but I hate getting wet in the rain. You weirdos are going to have to do this without me."
          "That's okay, but you're not getting a cut of the pay," I told him.
          "Fine by me; oh traveler of time and space."
I got my yellow raincoat from my closet with skeletons and Mu came up to me to say, "What about me? I need something for the rain too."
I held out my hand for her parasol and she gave it to me. She kinda stared at me as I held it, waiting for something. It was taking too long for her to get the hint so I tripped her leg and she fell to the floor. I pointed at the parasol and dropped it on her, walking away.
She sat confused for a moment but then slapped her forehead and said, "Parasol... right."

We went down to the planet and Mu filled us in on the main details of the mission during our search for society. "Alright team, our objective is to retrieve some magic dish soap from a secret society. We just have to find the main folks here, they could tell us more."
The three of us walked till we found a 'dark ages' kind of village. Mu went to go see the leader while Moonjumper and I waited in the village.
"Hey, Moonjumper. I wanted to properly thank you for the doll you made me. It made me feel really at ease while I slept."
He kept a bit of a board stare but nodded in acknowledgement. Who really is this guy anyway? Moonjumper feels very magical, similar to some of the royal folks in Hallownest. For some reason I fear that once those phantom chains are off his wrists he'll go crazy with his re-established power.

Enemies of Time and Space (A Hat in Time AU)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin