Chapter 10 (To Fall and be Caught)

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This isn't the first time I've fallen from space ALL the way to a planet/moon. I didn't panic since I had... MY PARASOL! I didn't have my parasol. My hat was also nowhere to be seen! It must have fallen off in my surprise descent. I was kinda just floating down and since I'm light under certain gravity fields, I was gonna be somewhat okay... until I hit the ground!

I got closer and closer to the ground rapidly, knowing my soul would leave my body once I hit the moon's surface. It was a cold night in the pretty moon sky, lots and lots of cold air hitting me. Nice change from the heat. Just the one pressing problem of me falling to my death. I had a two step process for living. First thing I'd scream was, "CAVUS! HEEELLLLPPPP!" And if he didn't come to my rescue, which he didn't by the way, I'd move on to step two. I was approaching the ground and fast with no help appearing to be close, I moved on to the last resort of flailing, because why the peck not.

Flailing to my death, my body made a quick counter to the gravity. The double jump boots I received from Vonica took effect during my flail haha. Jumping before hitting the ground kills the momentum; the more you know, diary thief.

Right below me on the surface stood a humanoid figure, about to be the victim of my crash and burn. Unluckily I fell right on the poor creature and we tumbled together on the vibrant grass. We stopped abruptly and I was pinned while being hissed at by... a vampire! Pecking Bloodless Dusk found me somehow and now had me at their mercy with my crew being stupid!

All I could do now was accept and say, "Alright, hunter. Make my end a quick one."
To the surprise of my desperate soul, the vampire let go of me. "Oh! Pardon me, my dear, I mistook you for someone dangerous but you appear to be helpless," he said in a friendly manner.
          "HELPLESS! Do you know who I am?!"
          "Eerm... No?"
          "I'm...!" I shouldn't be telling people who I am. "I'm legally a bird."
          "A beautiful violet-backed starling..." he said, staring into my eye.
          "..." I was... in a little shock from that. X_0
          "My mistake. You are a blue eyed Jackdaw, or perhaps another darker bird."

He held his hand out to help me up and I accepted. He looked pretty young and old fashioned medieval, yet seemed to be as intelligent as a modern humanoid. I examined his regal outfit in silence until *zip* my crew materialized between us. "What's up, kid!" SS hollered.

Moonjumper received a glare from me but of course, he didn't care about what he just did to me.
Mustache Girl looked to the vampire then back at me annoyed, saying, "How many blood suckers are we gonna meet?!"
The vampire spoke before I could, "I have a name and it's Asher Acinco! Did you say other blood suckers?"
          "Yep," Mu said.

Asher circled and inspected us, stopping in front of me to say, "So... you there who fell from the stars and landed on me... Where did you descend from?"
          "I came from..." I stopped talking and looked over him to see another person... Another vampire! With the mark of Bloodless Dusk! My friendly vampire turned around to notice them as well and said, "Another Vampire?! I thought we were extinct! Is... Is the sky truly not the limit?"

Mu gently started pushing him to the hunter, saying, "We'll discuss all that later, right now I need you to have a vampire to vampire conversation and tell them off."
          "I... I can try if you wish," Asher responded.

Asher walked cautiously to the hunter who was squatting in the scarlet and dioxazine colored grass.
I don't know what he said to the hunter but they looked surprised and confused at the same time, until suddenly the hunter's face turned to anger and he clawed Asher over the face, quickly starting a brawl!
I rushed over to help but the hunter knocked Asher to the ground then turned on me and charged with fangs out! I wiped my revolver out my coat, pointing it straight at the hunter who stopped dead in their tracks. "A bullet? Ha, that'll do naught but a scratch on me!" he ignorantly said.
They lunged hissing at me and with a steady click, I popped them in the face with the garlic shot. They fell over hissing, clenching their body as it spazzed and they started scratching at their face in confusing pain!

I spun the revolver on my finger successfully, putting it back into my coat.
SS popped up next to me with my hat in his hands. "Found your stupid hat!" he said smiling.
My... 'not pride and joy' was returned to my head where it belonged.
I pulled out and readied my sleeper spray to cease their hostility but... I had a different action plan pierce my brain.

Enemies of Time and Space (A Hat in Time AU)Where stories live. Discover now