Chapter 13 (Scarlet Fluid)

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Moonjumper... A very intriguing being. When Asher umm... rambled he said something that's sticking with me. 'Moonjumper is the keeper of the cosmos' sounds pretty important. Clearly I was listening if I wrote it down. His truer power was most certainly showing as his now somewhat repaired 'moon monocle' gleamed brightly. The night sky grew cloudy and the wind blew from behind me so fast I had to hold onto my hat. The mob of hunter vampires charged at us with Moonjumper advancing as well; taking bullets like it was merely rain... Which also started happening! The precipitation... came down gently, hitting my coat until it seared it! The rain had become acidic and heavy! This was certainly Moonjumper's trickery.

Mustache Girl popped open her parasol and squeezed Rough Patch close. I did the same for my own safety and SS's.

I reached out to SS in fright as he walked out of cover into the acidic rain but it was clear he knew what he was doing.

SS looked back to me, "What? You think acid can melt my exterior? Think a second time, Hattie. I'm gonna join in the fun!"

SS charged in to help Moonjumper massacre the vampires. Some of them were distracted by the acidic scalds on themselves while others tried hurting Moonjumper; who with ease slashed them up with razor strings. He seemed to enjoy it a little too much but that's expected from him and SS at this point.

SS picked up his dagger off the ground and gutted vampires who tried to make a scratch on his squishy exterior!

Moonjumper conjured some wild wind around us and spawned mini twisters; whipping up hunters and ramming them into each other!
"Well aren't they just psychos in arms, huh?" Mu laughed nervously.
          "Thankfully they're on our side," I gently smiled.

Hunters shapeshifted into bats and ganged up on Moonjumper, biting and stabbing him, finally causing his white blood to leak but ultimately Moonjumper just pulled them all through pixel portals. "My fun has been had, it's time for you all to stop existing!" Moonjumper giggled with an evil smirk.

Every hunter that was still breathing had strings around them from pixel portals. In a series of synchronized movements, everyone's strings had them forced into attacking one another, shooting or even stabbing themselves repeatedly until they stopped moving.

Moonjumper pulled his strings back into his eye and floated to me hastily. "Ah, Hat Kid! I forgot to tell you I found a journal in Asher's castle! I had it earlier and read it all until, uhh... time rewound. The most intriguing part to me said, Moonjumper's voice turned to Asher's Vampiric one, "The old hatted child doesn't suspect a thing, I am getting ever so closer to her fully letting her guard down. Tonight I will strike and kill her, taking her blood for benefit and profit!"
          "W-wait... You KNEW Asher was trying to hunt me?! And you didn't tell me?!"
          "I had fate you would be fine," Moonjumper smiled.
What... the... PECK! I am NOT letting that slide! No cookie for him whatsoever!
Speaking of time rewound... What was the vicinity at which I rewound? Just around Asher's castle? The planet?! THE SOLAR SYSTEM?! Depending on the impact of the anomaly, the TTA will investigate. We need to get off this planet 'ASAP' yo! But first we need the specific relic somewhere on this moon.

The acidic rain instantly stopped and the clouds turned to clear night sky. Mu and I put our parasols away and walked toward the castle with the guys following. SS walked backwards in front of us yapping, "Moonjumper and I found the relic map and that one vampire lady you like in the basement. SO we need to get the map again after the reset."

Vonica! She'll be a nice sight to see... after all that's happened. :)

The inside of the castle was quite bloody! Decapitated heads on spikes! So much blood splattered around, and it looked so fresh...

Enemies of Time and Space (A Hat in Time AU)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin