Chapter 14 (Sea of Fears)

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Day, 2240 A.O.
Once again night had fallen and the search for power against the TTA continued. That power was now in a more specific location yet still so far out of our sight, in the ocean of the blood covered moon. The blood covered is an expression which I'm sure you're aware of at this point. Soooo... an ocean... I pecking hate deep water!

With time moving as it always does, the acquaintances and I headed to a cliff overlooking the sea that had a slight red river flowing into it. Blood diluted water was my theory.
My fear of the deep comes from all the creatures that lurk in them, and with the universe ever so vast, who knows what crazy things want my flesh in those waters!"

For once, the Moonjumper's staring at the horizon wasn't out of place. Across the ocean deep... in space, the star of this system was setting down for night in a perfect blend of red star rays and sea blue glare. The small moment resulted in a lovely purple spectrum; my favorite color. I shall name the color... Kiddo, hehe.

Right, so it was time to get in there and find what we came for.
Mustache Girl pet Rough Patch roughly, saying, "Hattie, a-are you okay?"
I was shaking, "No! Of course I'm not alright... I'm anxious. Oceans! Are not most humanoids habitats!"
          "Come on now. You've done worse than take a plunge, Hat Kid," she put her hand on my shoulder.
          "Easy to say from your point of view. You're not me," I pushed her hand off.
          "Well would it help if Rough Patch and I go with you?"
          "Are you crazy?! You guys were coming regardless!"
          "Oh... Alright, Rough Patch, our dear Hattie needs our support."
SS poked at me, "I can't go in there! It's not that I hated the rain that one time, it's that water will LITERALLY melt my exterior!"
          "Jeez, okay okay! You don't have to come. Just wait on the ship or something," I told him.
          "Roger that, commander!" he yelled, running off.
          "W-wait! SS!" He didn't even hear what was gonna happen. Boy is gonna be 'out of the loop' later on. Moonjumper could go literally everywhere so he was certainly coming.

It was apparent that Mu and I realized this next thing she brought to my attention. "Hey, I know you can pretty much breathe in space... B-but I can't... I also can't allow water to enter my lungs."
          "Neither can I. I know someone who can help, they travel."

I know someone, sure, but I have no idea how to find them. Maybe I do but I can't bear to bring myself to go where they reside at this point. Maybe if I just wander this moon they'll pop up?

I'm glad Mustache Girl trusted my instinct for us to just wander the forest when I told her there's a salesperson that would be around, but also disappointed she just accepted my info to be true; Which it was... With luck...

After bland talk and a few hours of walking, Moonjumper went a different direction in hopes of finding what I was talking about.
Mustache Girl asked repeatedly, "Are we there yet?" "Are we there yet?" "Are we finally there?!"
My answers followed as, "No." "No." And "No! And we probably never will be!" Simply said, I'm surprised that this happened to me before Mustache Girl. I got agitated at the results of empty forest and plopped to the dirty ground. "Mustache Girl... I have zero percent knowledge on the location of this being; other than a place I don't want to travel to. I was hoping for a miracle of fate to be on my side..."
Mu sat in front of me and placed Rough Patch on my lap, deepening her tone, "Look at me, Hat Kid."
With her words, I looked up at her hooded head while I was lost in my own. "Hat Kid of the cosmos. (WTP did that mean?!) Running from an issue will only let it grow. You can't run from this, girl."
          "I've done so my whole life with most problems... Except with your home planet and some insect one, but that one I didn't really have a choice, it was figure it out and survive or die."
          "Shut up, you don't have a choice now either. You don't want to be on the run forever do you? When the Mafia took over my island I didn't just sit back and let it continue! I formed a rebellion, fought back and ended it! With you by my side; with your helpful selfish occupational reasons of course," she patted my cheek and stood up. "Come now, we're almost to the end of this boggling journey," she said, reaching her hand out to help me up.

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