Chapter 8 (Birth of the Time Travelers)

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I sat in my pilot's seat and looked at the planet below thinking, what the peck we were supposed to do now! My goal in doing all this was to eventually take down the TTA but we have no way of doing such a thing yet. Moonjumpers' still not as powerful as he could be.

I spun in my chair and saw Mu petting Rough Patch until I yelled out loud, "Give me a sign universe!" And like magic (Actually magic I'm sure) time froze. I stood up and looked around. "Alrighty then! Where are you, silhouette man?!" And with those words I was pulled backwards and transported away. It felt like going through a timerift but... eerie.

I awoke on warm sand in a familiar place that my memory couldn't exactly place. It was a vast desert with giant clock towers for homes. I got up and dusted the sand off my clothes to see the silhouette man staring at the sunset. Ugh, don't tell me he's got a thing for the sunset like Moonjumper does for the horizon.
I stormed up next to him and started yelling, "Enough of this owlshit! Who are you?!"
He turned his head unfazed and answered, "Cavus. That is who I am. And just who are you Ms Lōniris?"
          "You know my full name, I don't think there's reason for me to answer that."
          "Just thought I'd let you define yourself but I suppose you did just that."

It was silent as we stared into each other's only good eye. His right eye flared magma under his long black top hat brim.
"Next question, Cavus. Why have you been following me and freezing time?!"
          "To see you in your conquest over the TTA. Time must flow freely. And that cannot happen with the TTA around. I have a question for you, Hailey. Did you ever wonder how or why the TTA came to be?"
          "Ummm... no?"
          "Well then watch and listen closely, for you are worthy to hear my story. This is only a spectating memory; you cannot travel to such a time. For relevance, this memory takes place approximately 616 years ago."
          "Wow, that's older than me."
Cavus opened a dark rift, showing a 3rd person memory of... Tim, our now C.E.O of time.

Approximately 224840 days ago from Day 2,235 A.O.
A young looking Tim with only two eyes instead of three stood in front of a large crowd in a plaza surrounded by clock towers similar to the ones I see now. Some of the crowd whom I've seen at the TTA and others I have not.
Tim held up a shiny bluish orb to the people and said, "With this moonpiece and my friend, we will prevent time's end! Half of the problem has been solved, but that is not enough! We must stop the problem at BOTH it's sources!"
The crowd cheered and Tim's Friend opened a dark portal. The mob of people started walking into it with Tim continuing to say, "We go where none of us have! The Clocktower Desert! Where the other source of time's end resides!"

My view of the portal quickly changed to... Cavus in our current location but the past. He was made of all magma fire with no black radiating off him like his current self.
He walked the desert looking over people who were going about their daily lives. They all had semi-similar top hats like mine; same goes for Cavus. The sun was... really shining but I think that's normal for this land. Everything seemed tranquil, until over the horizon, a dark portal opened and out came Tim and his mob with weapons armed.

Cavus teleported in an instant to Tim and startled them all with fear.
Cavus stood tall over Tim and bellowed, "Moon people, you are forbidden here! Where is your overseer?!"
Tim laughed with confidence, "Trapped in the horizon. We are taking charge in preventing time's end."
          "Managing to trap your overseer appears impressive. Do you plan on doing the same to me?" Cavus asked.
          "We have something similar in mind for you."
          "Time's end is a chaos theory of nonsense. Your overseer and I's rivalry is on a friendly basis. Time's end will not occur, we've made sure."
          "Things can change, and we're stopping it before it does."

Tim held the moonpiece up and it shimmered brightly as his hand shook and he appeared to be struggling. A wave of blue moonlight began to flood outward toward Cavus and the city. Cavus crushed some sand beneath his foot, burning it into nothing and freezing time; he teleported back to the desert city. He looked around at the people who were flowing seconds away from being annihilated once time resumed. He went to a mother and her baby; frantically he picked up some sand and tossed it on the baby, then holding his hand over them, the sand burned away and the baby was enveloped in a timebarriar. Cavus quickly went to do the same for the mother and then everyone else, but the moonwave was too powerful. It broke the frozen time and washed the dimension land in a flash of blue moonlight.

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