Friendly Abduction

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Hello, me. If it's not me reading this; then you've stolen my diary, peck you. Though I will admit that I like tailoring my diary as if someone else reads it. Anyway, the story this will tell doesn't entirely start with me. It starts with a girl who has a mustache. Her name is Mustache Girl, or Mu for short. My ex-friend Bow Kid and I brought her to the Time Travelers Agency to join our cause because as it turns out, she had a sense for the sands of time. All that does is allow a person to sense nearby timepieces and timerifts. Ordinary people always accidentally get lost through time and space when they find and mess with one of the two; which causes an anomaly. That's where the TTA's CEO comes in. Tim travels to the location and most of the time finds people whose soul is split. It's a lot more complicated but the bottom line is they're forced to join the TTA. Mu was an exception and not my idea. It's been 6 years since I'd last seen her when we took her to the TTA. She was only 12 at the time and I gave her some coordinates and a date to meet me in the future. We planned to take down the TTA or something. Maybe just change the way things are run? I decided we'd cross that space bridge when we got there. As of what I begin to write from this point on may just stop at one point and if it does then you know what may have unfortunately happened.

Day 2,234 A.O. (After Outcasted) 
Mustache Girl is 18 years old and has just graduated from the TTA's training program on 'traversing the universe and collecting timepieces.' That's what I told her to train in so she can travel the universe semi-free and find me. There's no ceremony or anything to celebrate one's achievement at the TTA which made me wonder if Tim really just hates us all. At this moment, Mu is preparing to leave the TTA HQ and find Hat Kid. Before setting off on her journey she says a farewell to her mentor Timmy.

"Are you sure you don't want me to accompany you on your first mission, Mustache Girl," he asked her.
          "No thank you, Timmy, I think I'm more than capable," she said with a proud stance, twirling her mustache.
          "Alright then, just be careful. It's a dangerous universe out there."

Mu waves his concern off. Before she entered her small starter ship, she heard Timmy call out, "Hey! Mu!"
Mu turned around to face him.
"Goodluck on your first timepiece retrieval!" he told her.
          "Thanks for your guidance, Timmy! I'll make sure you get the best treatment when this place is decimated."
          "Nevermind! See you eventually!" Mu smiled, boarding her ship.

The TTA gives new employees a small ship to begin so they come straight back after their mission. Eventually after she proves herself enough, Mu will get her own custom ship like Hat Kid's... But that's not going to happen after what she's about to do.

Mustache Girl checked the note Hat Kid gave her 6 years ago, which revealed coordinates and a date to her. She has one day left till it's time to meet up so she inputs the coordinates and auto-flies to her destination through light space. Mustache Girl read her ship's manual while she waited to arrive at her destination. "This ship barely has anythin'. Just a restroom, bed, basic teleporter, and tiny kitchen. It's fine, I probably won't need it soon."

Seems like Hat Kid isn't the only one who talks to herself after all. After getting bored, Mu plopped on her bed and closed her eyes for what seemed like minutes, till she fell fast asleep. She awoke many hours later with her ship floating outside her designated planet. Mu rubbed her not-so-tired eyes and checked her timewatch. "Peck! I'm going to miss the time frame!" Mu should have set her ship to wake her when she arrived; rookie mistake. She teleported down to the planet below and began following the direction her timewatch told her to go. She made her way across the small grassy mountains till she reached the outside of a market; the universal black market to be exact, but she didn't know that. She arrived at her exact coordinates in a populated area and looked around her for Hat Kid. I myself stood not too far at a stall, drinking some fresh blood when all of a sudden- "Haat Kid! Hat Kid! Are you here!?"

Enemies of Time and Space (A Hat in Time AU)Where stories live. Discover now