Chapter Finale (Fate on the Horizon)

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Everyone came running over with smiles to our return from the rift.
Vonica lunged straight into the arms of Xaven, practically knocking him over! Tiny me and Roombi seemed almost magnetized the way they went right to each other.
I myself was instantly trapped between Bow and T-Timmy. Hugs! I'm receiving so many hugs today! Blegh. That's the good kind of blegh haha.
Meows of Rough Patch were the loudest I've ever heard as he lept his way to Mustache Girl's embrace. She seemed even happier to see him than she did me.
"Rough Patch! I'm so happy everyone I care about is defyin' death! How did this happen, Hattie?"
          "Consider it a gift from the void."
          "Don't got the slightest clue what that means but I'll take it!" she squealed, snuggling her bush cat some more.

A loud crack of metal screeched our ears following the rapid spray of water from above. Seems like a pipe burst. Jeez this place is falling apart. The water came down near us like rainfall while also creating shallow puddles. It almost wet Roombi but luckily tiny me carried them to safety.
Vonica mischiefly stepped in a puddle and kicked the water off her boot onto Xaven who responded with a tiny hiss. Of course tiny me had to join in. Together they splish splashed water at Xaven as it continued to gently fell around them.

Huh... Seeing this moment in time, reminds me of another moment in time. One lost to time. One of bitter sweetness that can never occur again. One that could make me shed a tear and did. If it sounds dramatic that's because it is for me! Peck! My emotions are so easily broken when I think about this kind of thing.

I had a flashback watching them play in the broken spray of water. Xaven replaced by my dad. Vonica replaced by my mom. And tiny me; well, replaced by... Me? You know what I mean, haha... Only difference was my outfit. I was without the purple hat and with my child sized raincoat.
The memory was an impure mimic of me and my mother blissfully splashing my dad in the rain. To remember my mom so happy is delightful. Without the goggles on I could see her bright cyan eyes like mine; Though they were always shadowed by her red and purple scleras... And my poor mom's bruised outline around her eyes from almost unending wear of those stupid goggles.
Speaking of which. Time froze and Cavus teleported in from behind me. Doesn't faze me anymore. He took my hat and attached the red lensed goggles back to its brim. Either this guy can read minds or he's just smart on his timing. But of course without a word he disappeared in a portal with time resuming.

My gloomy stare continued at the happy group playing in the water till I was tapped on the shoulder and turned to see Timmy with kind words. "Hey... Just... keep looking at me." :)
          "Oh- okayy." XwÒ
His eyes... them shiny purple eyes. They bring my soul some peace for as long as I keep looking into them.
Timmy's hand glowed pink and with the swipe of it I was splashed by water! "Aaaa! You peck neck! How could you do this to me?!"
          "Because it's nicer to see you like so; then sad," he chuckled.
          "You owe me a hug!" 3:<
He rolled his eyes and brought me in close and cradled me like I was the only person in the universe he liked. Mmmm, that was nice... <3
(Swear she's exaggerating -tiny hat kid)

Vonica and Xaven needed to head out the same as us so we gathered to say our goodbyes. Vonica came to me directly first. "Now that both our leaders are gone, Xaven and I can freely be together! So come on. Tell me that farewell line of yours, Hat Kid."

Together she said? That's nice... Xaven was snuggling Vonica. Ugh. Love. Who needs that, am I right? Haha... ;(
Ah forget those words of mine for now, Vonica wanted my farewell of, "See you... in another time?" I said.
Vonica squeezed me in a hug with a big fanged smile. "Exactly!"
Then they left to Xaven's ship with the assurance of my goodbye that we'd see them again.

My friends and I made it back to my ship and went about casual activities.
It seems I was the leader to figure out our next move. Not like they understood the importance of stopping Moonjumper.
Truth is I don't know how to find Moonjumper. He'll find us eventually but we can't wait or he'll kill more time travelers!
Sigh... Who am I to take on the keeper of the cosmos?
"You're Hat Kid." Cavus appeared to proclaim in startling me!
          "Dude! Stop doing that! At least make some sound of your presence before you say something 'out of the blue!' And you read my mind didn't you?"
          "No. You said your question out loud."
He's lying or I'm in denial! (Turns out the timewatch picked it up. I do talk out loud without realizing it...) "Whatever, Cavus. What do you want this time?" I grumbled.
          "You're approaching the end of your current story, Hat Kid. Now go and save the day! And the days that should be allowed to come."
          "End of my story? Am I gonna die? Do you know if I die?"
          "I know nothing until it happens. So go make things happen, icy sun."
          "Excuse me...? WHY would you call me that?! I snapped agitated. My eye was on the verge of a tear at the remanence of the name.
Cavus spoke his cryptic owlshit. "A different elaboration will come by truth. And the truth shall come by story shown to scion," he said.
That's so poetic that I don't even know what it meant. Always a mystery with this guy isn't it?

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