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"Vincent!" Nate yells, "put it down!"

"I'm leaving this shitty ass place" Vinnie yells quickly walking out with his gun in his hand.

"get him" Nate says to the guards, "no" Liliana yells.

"you!" Nate yells, "you were on pills?!!" Nate yells loudly, "w-who told you" Liliana says scared.

"It doesn't matter" he shouts angrily, "you were on pills!!!" Harry yells as he gets mad by each second.

"I don't want to be a mother-" "you will be!!" Harry interrupts her dragging her by her hair going upstairs.

"Please sttop!" Liliana cries, "the second Vincent steps in this house, you're going to be done with the deal, and get pregnant!" Harry yells pushing his daughter in the room locking her inside.




I swear to god if u go to Albert's
Don't ever talk to me
And don't ever come back here
I'm done with your bullshit

what the hell Liliana
I didn't go to Albert's
The fuck is wrong with you

Albert is a sick pedophile
There's a reason why he's
locked up in that farm
And you're the reason.
He fucking raped you Vinnie
You can't go to him
He traumatized you

Shut up
Fucking shut up
Don't talk about my shit

no i will talk about your shit
cuz ur shit is my shit too
You're my soon to be fucking husband
If you fucking drink or do
any type of drugs I'm telling your dad
And yea I'll fucking snitch
Where the fuck are you
Tell me now


ok i got ur location
I'm coming now

𝑃𝑟𝑖𝑛𝑐𝑒 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑃𝑟𝑖𝑛𝑐𝑒𝑠𝑠  (𝚅𝙷) 𑁍 ❦ ꨄWhere stories live. Discover now