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It's been three years since Betty got incarcerated. My life away from my hometown has been nothing but amazing. I finished my course and I'm currently doing a paid internship that has brought me back to where everything began, where it all started.

The place that holds so many memories, both the good and the bad. Coming back is a mixture of so many emotions. But I won't let it bring me down because I've grown a lot mentally. My mind is no longer in the place it was 3 years ago.

My therapy sessions have helped me out so much. I feel like a new being. I no longer blame myself for anything that happened. I can now move with my head held high and not think I was cursed, I am not and I never was. I was simply placed in the wrong hands. I believe everything happens for a reason. So whatever happened to me? Happened for a good reason.


For starters, my relationship with Leo has grown so much that we don't go a day without talking to each other. It's like we can't live without hearing each others voices. It even got to a point where we would be asleep but the phone call will still be ongoing till the following morning.

Blake and Riley rented an apartment together so they're currently living together and expecting baby number one. Blake is 4 months pregnant. I was never physically there when she found out she was pregnant but the first thing she did was to video call me. She took the tests while video-calling me. She was in a very bad place mentally because their relationship was rocky at the time and of course, everything was going to be put on hold for her, her career was going to be put on hold because once the baby is born she'll have to put everything on hold.

She thought she'd have to give up everything but I made her understand that she's not giving up anything because her life will continue once everything is sorted out and now she looks at everything from a positive point of view.

It wasn't me by shaggy playing in the background (reference he)

Honey came in and she caught me red-handed
Creeping with the girl next door
Picture this, we were both butt-naked
Banging on the bathroom floor
How could I forget that I had
Given her an extra key
All this time she was standing there
She never took her eyes off me.

Madison and Carl are no longer together. Unfortunately, Madison did not change her cheating ways. It's like it's just in her and it can't go away. Carl caught her red-handed in bed with one of his friends. She took shaggy's song "it wasn't me" way seriously because she denied that it wasn't her despite being caught and he didn't want to be around such energy anymore.
He cut off all communications with her but she still tried to get in contact with him. His mind was set and there was no looking back.


Right now I'm seated at a named restaurant waiting for Blake, Riley, Carl, and Leo. We planned on meeting up here to catch up.

unfortunately, I am the first one to arrive. This is my first time seeing them from the time that I arrived here 2 hours ago. I had some errands to run when I arrived and they too were busy at the time so we decided to meet up here.

I see Blake walk in with Riley and her baby bump is quite visible. I wave my hand in the air so they can see me. Once there standing in front of me, I get up and give blake a tight hug, of course, a gentle tight hug because I wouldn't want to hate bubbles. I then hug Riley next after speaking gibberish to Blake's baby bump.

Bubbles needs to know that she has an aunt who loves her unconditionally.

They don't know the gender yet, they'll find out at 6 months and hold a gender review party which I am in charge of. I like to believe that bubble is a girl because I want a tiny princess to spoil. I mean don't get me wrong, I would love a boy equally. But I just want it to be a girl. Her pregnancy has got her glowing and she's gained a ton, I won't tell her that though.

"Can we please order something to eat?" Blake says five minutes into our conversation.

"But you just McDonald'sld's on our way here," Riley interjects.

Blake puts on a tantrum. "Don't forget I'm eating for two and it's always hungry. Look at how fat I've gained. I look like Fiona." She sniffles and wipes her nose with a handkerchief Riley just passed on to her. " Don't I look like Fiona lee? Come on don't lie to me." She tells me with an accusing face.

I look between her and Riley. I open my mouth to answer and thank God graciously. Leo and Carl come to my rescue. "Hey, Fifi?" They both say in unison. If looks could kill they'd be dead right now because the look that blake and I are giving them right now is beyond the scope. I thought they'd be here to save the day but they're instead causing havoc.

Blake starts wailing uncontrollably while grumbling. Leo tries to do damage control but it's not working and carl pitches in, "we meant Fiona in the princess version, not fiona the ogre." He says. Her situation is understandable its like all part of her pregnancy and I've known from the beginning of her pregnancy that she easily gets emotional so this is one of her emotional moments.

The issue is later on resolved with Leo getting her chicken wings. We catch up and talk about a lot of things. Carl tells us about his new girlfriend, he shows us some pictures of her. She's a blonde Latino, very beautiful with a catching smile. They've been seeing each other for the past month. He looks happier than he was with Madison, just from the way he tells about her you can tell that his in love and happy and that's all that matters. His happiness.

Blake starts feeling drowsy and so we decide to go our separate ways after saying our goodbyes. I came here with an Uber so the car offers to drive me back to my apartment. He makes so many stops on our way back. It's like he can't find what he's looking for in each shop. Thirty minutes after driving around aimlessly he receives a message on his phone that seems to calm his nerves.


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