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ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।


It had been over 30 minutes since Lee had gone to the privy. I was so edgy about the whole situation. It just didn't sit right with me.

Nonetheless, the privy being for the ladies only, I had to ask Blake to check inside the privies for Lee. I was on full enticement just in case the situation was serious or whoever had Lee was also in the privy in the case that indeed someone did have her.

Blake came back out a few minutes later after checking and informed me that Lee was not in the privy and that maybe she had gone for a walk to get some fresh air or something of that nature. I didn't feel at repose with the predicament, I felt rattled. We went back to where everyone was.

I stayed talking to the boys for some time.

I saw how Carl and Madison were conversing. They were probably chattering about resuscitating their relationship and frankly I was not pleased. I know for a fact that Madison was still the same old Madison, nothing about her wanting Carl for his equity had deviated. She is a gold digger and she knows exactly how to amuse Carl.

Carl and I had a chat about Lee, he told me that he saw how lee and I were around each other.

According to him, Lee loved me but was blinded by our friendship. She was in denial and he wanted nothing but the best for the both of us predominantly Lee and that if her being with me was going to make her happy then he would trudge aside. I frankly honor him extra for his litigations.

Blake came to my viewpoint." Have you heard anything from her?" She shrugged her shoulders looking agitated. "I've called her phone a couple of times but it has come to no avail of response.

My brasses started kicking in. I didn't yearn to assume the worst but with Betty on the run. All I could do was think of the disaster. Blake and I had gone to the privy again. Blake went in to check on her and lee was not there. On our way back to the other side of the shore. Blake spotted something small glistening on the ground. Upon instinct, we went nearer to take a nigher look at it and it was Lees earing.

We both eyed each other and I knew deep down that something wasn't right because it was Lee's mum's earing and lee treasured them with all her heart, she wouldn't just go mia and the only thing we found of hers is her earing that she treasured with all her heart.

Carl, Chelsea, Riley, and Madison caught up to us to implore what was going on and we explained to them what was going on and that lee was nowhere to be seen. To my surprise, Madison looked genuinely worried. I might have gotten the wrong impression of her at first maybe she did change.

The other guys figured that something was wrong and they joined us. Some of the guys dispersed before the cops appeared because they were in a crapulous state and didn't want to be apprehended. They maintained communication though to find out how things were advancing.

We contacted 911 to file a missing person report. However, we were notified that we were not able to file for a missing person report because it wasn't over 24hrs and that we had to go to their department to file the report. After all, according to them, lee could have left of her own accord. I loathe the 24hrs ordinance. Whoever had kidnapped Lee had the chance to take her out of the country. The longer we took in scouring for her, the lesser the chances we had of locating her alive or even finding her body in an ethical state. I didn't want to think that way. I didn't want to have cynical notions.

Thankfully, we did not have to wait for 24hrs for the cops to drive into action. Deeming the factors of the predicament, the authorities had to act fast and they knew it. They took the case seriously because of Betty's prior endeavor on annihilating Lee and all the abuse that was put into the record.

Blake's mum pulled some strings and hired a covert sleuth to scrutinize Betty. We all knew that Betty was the one responsible for Lee's kidnapping even before the cops informed us, we just needed to know her location.


It had been over 2 days since Lee had gone missing. We had managed to file for the missing persons report the very same day, but there were no leads on lee's whereabouts the police had verified to us that Betty was the one holding her captive.

We were waiting for Betty to make a wrong move or for her to contact any of her friends. But Betty had everything planned out. It's like she had been planning this for a long time. However, nothing lasts forever, no situation is permanent.

Every lead we had, led to an extinct end. We had amassed several calls from people assuming to have seen Lee but they all led to a lifeless end.

Everyone was on the edge attempting to find her. I wondered how she was. If she had eaten, drank anything, or bathed and I feared the worst, what if she wasn't even alive?

The private investigator was doing his work very well. He said he had some information but was encouraged to hide it from us by the police for Lee's safety. At least we were getting somewhere. I wasn't even upset about the investigator hiding the information from us. I just wanted lee to be safe.

The first day was very rigorous for everyone, Blake's Mum reprimanded herself for not protecting Lee and that maybe if she went to live with the Bronks who were her newly established kin. She would have been safer and she would not have been in harm's way.

Blake, Chelsea, and Carl blamed themselves as well for scheming the event that led to Lee being abducted. I tried surmising with them that it was none of their faults and that Lee was never safe for as long as Betty was on the run. I felt like I was not aiming to soothe them only, but I was also attempting to soothe myself too.

I arraigned myself too. I thought to myself, If I had accompanied her to the privy perhaps aspects would have been different. But there was no time for playing the blame game because every second we squandered could amass to Lees final instant alive.

People at school were of great help. We searched for her around the areas she was last seen. Seldom, did we succeed in discovering any leads on Betty's or Lee's whereabouts?

A/N: okay so here you have it lovelies as agreed. I was on the verge of not fulfilling the agreement because oh boy I had no idea how this chapter was going to go or how it was going to turn out. But here you have it. This is better than nothing.
I wonder how Blake, Leo, Carl, Riley, Chelsea and not to mention MADISON are feeling. I don't know if Madison has changed or not but boy she was worried, that counts majors. I wonder what's going to happen to Brynlee. It feels weird referring to her by her full name because I'm used to referring to her as Lee. Ah, guys, it's 01.08 AM rn. I needa siesta.

Okay, Byeee!!

Okay, Byeee!!

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।
𝑨𝒍𝒐𝒏𝒆 𝒘𝒊𝒕𝒉 𝒎𝒚 𝒔𝒂𝒅𝒊𝒔𝒕 𝒂𝒖𝒏𝒕जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें