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It has been three days since my absconding, I knew the count of the days because I saw the sun gloom and glow through the tiny window I have in my view. I was not even able to breathe the fresh aura from outwards because I was not deemed to be outwards.

The two days were rough on me. I had two guys watching me when Betty was not around. One guy whose name I learned to be Big moose, was very buff and carved. He looked like a goliath. He looked like he was 6'5 ft. I guess that's why they called him Big moose, he was so gruff. The other guy was also carved but not as carved as Big moose. He was probably 5'2. Betty cautioned the two guys not to try anything stupid with me and I thanked her for that. The only time I was solely let loose was when letting loose of which I was given a bucket to use for my business and I had Betty watching my every action with a gun pointed at me.

I was not allowed to converse unless when addressed.

I was merely fed any proper food, the first day I was not given any food, I was sobbing until I ran out of tears. I was not even going to munch on whatever she was going to give me because I didn't have an appetite. The second day felt like I was in the dungeon enduring a death verdict. I only had one meal in the morning which consisted of vegetable soup.

In as much as I hate vegetable soup, I had no alternative. I felt sick to my core and I knew that the soup was not going to do me any Justice.

If Betty was not going to annihilate me with her fists. I was going to die on my own if no one was going to come to my rescue. I had a cold. I was trembling from how cold the room was and my body was equally sick from not snoozing and being cooped up to a stool. These were the worst two days of my life. If I was going to get out of this alive, which I highly doubted. I was going to give my body the best treatment I've ever given it.

I hear the door creek open and I instantly peek at it hoping it is someone who has come to my rescue. However, it is the same face I have been dreading to see. The same face that will forever haunt me for the rest of my being. The same face that caused me trauma. The same face that made me habituated to anguish. I was beginning to lose hope. I only had a little bit of hope in me. I felt that no one was ever going to find me. This place was in an isolated location. I could see a lot of trees outside through the tiny window. Screaming was very pointless. If they were going to find me, they'd probably find my rotten corpse feted by talebearers.

"You don't look too good. You must be running a cold." Betty beseeches and kneels beside me inspecting my face. I probably look pale. "Oh no, I don't want you to die from a cold. I want to be the one to end your life, not some stupid cold." Betty whines.

I can't believe my ears. I know that Betty os sick in the head but I didn't think she was so sick that she'd utter such words. The problem I have is that I expect so much change from her in a matter of minutes. I have a lot of expectations of her. It's so clear that Betty is never going to change. Instead of me painting her good in my head, let me see her for the real her.

She gets up from where she kneeling. She heads out and comes back minutes later with a fliss in her hand. She flings it on me as if expecting me to snag it with my metaphysical hands or maw. She then realizes that my hands are bound together and I can't put the fliss on me without her aid. I abhorre hingeing on her for stuff. Particularly deeming our existing predicament.

I hadn't noticed the McDonald's carrier bag she came with. I love McDonald's so much but I don't have an appetite. She opens the carrier bag and brings out my favorite McDonald's meal. Chicken McNuggets. Looking at food made me grope like puking. "I got you chicken McNuggets. I know you like it so I got it for you." I don't want to upset her, but my stomach can't comprehend any food substance.

She tries to feed me the food but I dodge her hand." I don't have an appetite." I notify her. She doesn't seem pleased with my loss of appetite.

She grabs the food and forces it into my mouth. " You're not wasting this food you're going to eat it." She beseeches. Upon tasting the food, I feel nauseousness and I vomit out the little substance I had in my system. Betty is not pleased with my action. I yank my head down to dab it with the fabric of the fliss.

I dab my mouth and Betty yanks my head up using a chunk of my hair making me face her.

My head aches from the action. Betty looks frantic, the look in her stare, I can't quite clarify. Her eyes look dark. They don't have any glimmer or shimmer in them. I knew at that moment that I lost the little tenderness Betty had in her towards me.

I fe a hard slap to my face. It is a very hard slap. Hard enough to knock someone out.

Regardless, I am not knocked out. The slap leaves me with a scrape on my lip. I lick my edge and I taste a metallic flavor in my maw. The smell I am so habituated to. The taste of my blood.

Betty moves away from me and she startd pacing back and forth, gripping a chunk of her hair in both her hands as if wanting to pull her skull out. She is mumbling incoherent words to herself. I begin wondering if her Cancer diagnosis was real or maybe she just bribed the Doctor to diagnose her with cancer. I flat out wonder if the Doctor was even genuine. The only thing she looks sick of is a mental disorder. I wonder how that was not diagnosed.

 I wonder how that was not diagnosed

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𝑨𝒍𝒐𝒏𝒆 𝒘𝒊𝒕𝒉 𝒎𝒚 𝒔𝒂𝒅𝒊𝒔𝒕 𝒂𝒖𝒏𝒕Where stories live. Discover now