The Hype for A Battle

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[ Doyle's POV ]

That match was easy. It wouldn't be an understatement to say that it ended before it could even begin. As soon as the announcer said "start" I used the 11th tier(Super-tier) spell called [ Time-Stop ] and casually walked towards the mage. Once I reached him I used a sword I upgraded not too long ago before this tournament started, I've also changed its initial look and appearance to a katana. Seconds later the spell lifted, and the match was over.

I realised something when using [ Time-Stop ] though. Unlike when in new world, when a player uses that spell here time does not stop, but that's understandable. Instead due to the technology in this world that's built into the Neural Nano-Interface that operates YGGDRASIL, when using [ Time-Stop ] it instead superspeeds up the mind of the player who uses the spell. So for instance, after I used the spell, my avatar was now moving at 90000 FPS while the players around me were moving at 90 FPS. So instead of literally stopping time, it would just speed my time up exponentially to make it seem like time stopped for me.

This is my second time using a super-tier spell. My first was when I challenged the black skull guild. I got access to my first super-tier spell when I reached level 70, and every time after I leveled up after that I received access to another new super-tier spell.

Beating the mage before he even had the chance to fight back was overkill, but It was better that way, for a couple of reasons.

Firstly, the guy I was fighting wasn't worth me putting in much effort. It would have just resulted in me revealing a bunch of my spells and abilities. I'm still shrouded in mystery, so why would I change that just to fight some random guy that's not even important?

Secondly, my plan for all of these matches is to simply breeze through them. I won't waste my time bullying a player who isn't even almost as strong as me. The guy I just fought is not even level 60 yet, I'm sure you understand what I mean...

And lastly...I just wanted to look badass! I mean, come on! You can't blame me for this, I've been keeping a low profile for a minute now so I decided to show out during this tournament. I should show these guys why I'm ranked #1! Ahem- of course, there are other more important reasons for me showing off. For example, this could allow me to expand my influence,  and I could make more connections within YGGDRASIL.

"THE FIGHT DIDNT EVEN LAST A SECOND! HOW DID HE DO IT?!" said the announcer as he snatched me out of my thoughts. I looked up and around to hear the crowds of people in the audience celebrating.

Hearing this I can't lie, this felt pretty good. I don't like to get much attention but this isn't too bad. Seconds later the announcer continued.

"IT WAS A SPLENDID FIGHT, AND NOW THAT IT IS OVER ITS TIME TO BRING OUT OUR NEXT CONTESTANTS." saying this he snapped his fingers and I was teleported back into the waiting room from before.

"Doyle, how did we not notice you before?!"

"No wonder the announcer said things would be unique, I would have never expected you to be here."

"Doyle I have a clan, although it's small with you there I'm sure we will..."

As soon as I appeared I was immediately bum-rushed by the players. Each and every one trying to butter me up for a chat with them. Some even offered me invites to their clans and guilds. Fortunately, I was quick enough to go invisible before anyone could reach me. I quickly traveled to the second floor of the room where only a few players were.

Once I reached the top I leaned on the railing and looked towards the screen showing the next contestants battling. The next two contestants were two warrior class humans. Hmm? Now that I think about I haven't seen a lot of Heteromorphic players...

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