Role playing

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[ Narrator POV ]

"Let's just start this dungeon already, we've wasted enough time getting to know each other." Said the pale boy as he looked pass the girl as if she didn't exist.

"Haha- Ahem! Yea he's right we should start this dungeon now that everyone is here" said the redhead tank as he controlled himself from laughing more. The others also quieted their laughter and looked towards the dungeon. The woman, { GestBlinde } was embarrassed but she knew that it wasn't much she could do as of now so she also chose to forget about the boy for right now.

In front of the party were huge black double doors with reddish-orange lines that looked similar to flowing lava decorated on top of them. The area itself was neatly hidden off from the open area of Múspellsheim and was instead blocked off by large rock hills.

The group readied themselves and the man wearing the crimson-red armor along with the redhead tanker took lead and pushed the huge double doors open. As they entered the dungeon a notification popped up in front of everyone's face.


[ Due to being the first explorers of the dungeon { Magma Garden }, You have received a bonus 10% boost in EXP gain as well as treasures! ]


"This is great!"

The group celebrated as they saw the notification everyone had gotten excited. They looked towards each other now filled with even more excitement for what's to come after beating the dungeon.

"Hm? W-wait isn't that [ Prosperity and luck ]?!" Said the ninja dressed man in all black. Anyone could hear the shock in his voice. He was looking towards the boy named { Poltergeist }, when he turned around to celebrate he had caught the boy using the scroll looking item.

Seeing that he was caught the boy replied casually. "Yeah it is."

"[ Prosperity and luck ]? What's that?" Asked one of the tanks curiously, he had never heard of this item before so hearing someone shout from shock after seeing it made him interested.

"You don't know? It's a cash shop item. Those are only items that you can get through spending real money in the game."

The others also looked at the tanker oddly, everyone knew about cash items it was a popular thing, so they couldn't understand why he was so uninformed. The tanker looked around then spoke in a annoyed tone "Tsk- of course I know about cash items what I'm saying is that I've never heard of that item. Besides it's not even in the cash item shop at all, I can check right now!" As he spoke he went through his virtual windows to reach the item cash shop. "See! It's not in here." He said as he showed his virtual window to the others.

"Oh he's right." Said the girl. The other also agreed with a nod.

"Duh I'm right, that's what I've been trying to say!" He said with a 'I told you so' tone. Everyone looked back towards the man who first brought up the item and he spoke once again. "*Sigh* of course you won't find it inside of there now, it's a old gacha item. Only OG players would know about it, it was an limited item that dropped with the release of the cash item shop itself." This news had everyone surprised other than the ninja and the boy, { Poltergeist }.

The ninja then continued "That item is one of the more popular and rare cash items due to not many people having it. Most of us back then didn't really spend money on the game so a lot of people missed out on the gacha items. Not to mention that item he just used is a item that raises the drop rate of higher class items by 50% i believe. If I'm not mistaken it should also stack with the current EXP boost we all just received a couple seconds ago."

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