Evolution to Nine's Own Goal

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[Narrator's POV]

Weeks had passed since the first time Doyle had been introduced to Momonga. Over that period of time the skeleton sorcerer also got to meet Luci★Fer, which he felt apprehensive about at first due to Luci★Fer's attitude and habits. Yet, anyone who is exposed to something for so long, they will inevitably adapt, and weird things that once felt odd began to feel like the norm.

The group had been running dungeons, only when all of them were free and online at the same time, of course. Everyone wasn't always available to play YGGDRASIL all the time, Momonga and Luci★Fer had jobs that they had to attend. Not to mention Touch Me, he had a job and a family of his own which kept him away from the game. The only one who continued to play the game without stop was Doyle.

Previously, the others, Touch Me, Luci★Fer, and Momonga had developed a habit of meeting up within the waiting area to chat and laugh about in-game and irl events, however, Doyle was continuously getting left out due to his inability to join the waiting area. Unfortunately, In order to join the waiting area, a player would first have to be logged out of YGGDRASIL, once they would log in they would be sent to a hub(or in other words: waiting area), which was private or public depending on the player's preference.

Players had the option of waiting within the hub without having to automatically join into the game, and within this hub player's were able to send invites to and from their waiting area, but this was only for players that were added as a friend within the game. Due to Doyle's circumstances, he could not log out at all, which meant he wouldn't have the option to join a waiting area.

In reality, the group changed their way of having these friendly meetups, instead, now they would meet with the rental mansion that Touch Me had been renting.

Overtime, Momonga and Doyle brought up the idea of everyone contributing to getting a larger and more high-end mansion for the group as a whole. With the gold that Touch Me, Doyle, and Luci★Fer had coming in as their income from within YGGDRASIL it was easy to afford a much better meetup spot.

In all honestly, the group didn't even do much grinding. Everyone other than Doyle had been playing for fun, spending most of their time when online just having friendly conversations and laughs together. It was the perfect friend group.

For better or worse the group began to grow, Touch Me's influence on everyone made the group almost seem like a vigilante organization, helping out other heteromorphic players who were being targeted by human and demi-human PKer's who were repeatedly hunting down heteromorphics in order to claim some strong job classes, which required PKing a certain number of heteromorphic beings for entry.

The group of friends were only so big and could only do so much when it came to stopping the in-game racism. Due to they're friend group small numbers they were only be able to travel to worlds such as Helheim, Nilfheim, and Múspellsheim, helping out their fellow heteromorphic players.

Due to this, Helheim, Nilfheim, and Múspellsheim became the popular worlds for heteromorphic players, where they would go when entering YGGDRASIL. Not only that, because certain worlds had different biomes where only certain races would be able to safely live this decreased the amount of human PKer's and spawn killings. Players could still enter these worlds by just equipping the right gear that allowed them to safely enter the different temperatures and biomes, however, it decreased the racism nonetheless.

The growing group gained members like Nishikienrai, Warrior Takemikazuchi, Ancient One, and even Amanomahitotsu all having similar goals and interests. After growing to the point where there were already nine members within the group Doyle was the one to suggest the group becoming a clan. "We have grown passed the point where we can call this just a friend group now, how about we start our own clan?" he said.

Most of the group agreed with his logic, especially Touch Me, it almost felt to him like Doyle had been reading his mind due to how timely he brought up the idea, nevertheless the group ended up adopting the name Nine's Own Goal. This symbolized the nine members of the clan each pursing the same goal, and it sounded nice to roll of the tongue to Momonga.

Without warning the clan became even more like a meeting, with the clan members setting up dates for each member to be online to be made as conferences for communication. It was done so to set up a weekly organized sharing of information and requests for help from member to member. Once the discussion is over they would come together and form a party before then trying to carry out such a request for the sake of their clansmen. That said, new information among members did not come easily as the only time they ever get to explore and play YGGDRASIL was during their free hours.

Doyle made it his job to be lowkey when he brought up 'original' ideas to the conferences, he didn't want to seem suspicious when it came to forcing the future he already knew about from the Overlord anime and novel. When the meetings took place he would sit back for a while allowing the clan to talk and add in their ideas and suggestions, however, if no one brought up the things that were needed for the proper future he always suggested these ideas himself.

Now in the present time, the clan were planning a corse of actions that would lead them to attaining their very first World Class Item. Of course Doyle already knew what World Item it was that they were aiming for, however, he never made it known, just like always he played ignorant of the outcome which would result of the clans actions.

He was like a shadow that was giving a guiding hand without the notice of the rest of the clansmen.

Through the countless conferences the clan held they had gathered information regarding a World Class Items whereabouts. Apparently there was a hidden boss that dropped a World Item within Vanaheim.


Here you are, a chapter, as promised, to timeskip pass most of the filler, I know that most readers are ready for New World, which is why I'm doing this. However, we still have some things which need to be completed before that. Anyway, I kept my oath. Now, you may praise me, I'll wait till your done... Hm? Are you finished now? Good. As always, if you are in need of some nonhuman, gory, and dark fantasy, check out my original novel, A Cold-Blooded POV, if you want. It's similar to Ghosthood in certain regards, however, I do much more worldbuilding and all that good stuff over there since it's the story I'm putting most of my effort into. Without further or do, Month out.

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