Being Attacked

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[Narrator POV]

*Clump Clump Clump*

The sound of footsteps resounded in the surroundings. Accompanied with the footsteps was the sound of metal clanking together, armors of different players. A group of players walked fast yet also cautious, they didn't want to be spotted by the  single 'Area boss(?)' they were following. They were group hunting today to symbolize the anniversary of their newly formed guild, it had been created 2 months before now.

"I'm sure this one will definitely drop some high class data crystals." Whispered the mage in the group. They had been hunting for hours already, trying to maximize their guilds profit.

"It better. I've already been playing longer then I should tonight just to help you guys with this." Grunted the warrior.

"Relax, I'll make sure to help you out with one of your quests later. You won't wake up late for work anyway, so stop panicking." Said the warrior in the front as the group chuckled. He was the leader of this small guild. The mist that hung around them was heavy, the 'Area boss' they were following would disappear momentarily due to the thickness of the fog.

"Guy's looking at this monster closely are you sure it's a monster and not a player instead?" Said the cleric further in the back of the group.

"Newbie stop your nagging, you do it every time we hunt as a group. It's irritating. You should get used to this if you want to fit in here." Said the guild leader. The others nodded in agreement hearing his words. However the cleric had noticed something about this specific 'boss monster' that was odd.

He continued "No no it's not that. It's just this boss has been moving for a while now, other bosses wouldn't go so far away from its area". This was true normal area bosses wouldn't leave their assigned area, it's why they were called area bosses. The group of players looked at each other, they knew what the newbie said was true however they didn't want to admit it. They were veteran players who had been playing the game since the full release of the game came out, how could they allow themselves to look more inexperienced than a new player who started only a couple weeks ago.

The guild leader narrowed his eyes to make a stern expression. He turned to face the cleric and spoke "Listen kid, we know what we are doing. All you need to worry about is healing us." The guild leader put his hand on the cleric's shoulder and tightened his grip a little.

The cleric started to sweat slightly then he nodded "Sure. No problem". The guild leader loosened his grip and patted the cleric on the back. "Besides, even if it is a player it's definitely not human. Which means we won't get any penalties from killing it. We need your healing spells, it's why we recruited you. So I need you to stay focused alright?" Said the guild leader with a small smile.

The cleric saw this and nodded seriously. "Of course sir, sorry for the complaining." The group then turned around to keep following the 'boss' and noticed that it was gone. They all immediately started to rush towards the direction of where it had gone.

"Dammit! If we lost this boss because the newbie I'm gonna kick his ass! There's no way I stayed up this late for nothing!" Screamed the the warrior.

After a few minutes of running they found the 'boss' at a dead end surrounded by naked trees with no leafs. "Oh look, it's a dead end! We cornered it."

The group was experienced so they immediately got in formation. The cleric was in the back, while the mages were on the side of him. The warrior tankers where in front of them along with the dps attackers. There was a total of 6 players against this 'boss'.

The boss was oddly not moving and just stared at the group. It hovered a few inches off the ground with its body similar to a cloth-like material. Its body emitted some sort of mysterious mist that circulated its body. It's eyes glowed white piercing through the cloth which gave the players a eerie vibe.

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