Utgard Stronghold

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I looked all around me, but the old man was nowhere to be found. There wasn't even any tracks left by him, it was as if he never was here in the first place.

With my suspicions growing, I decided to look at the player leaderboards, maybe I'd find him there. However, no matter how much I scrolled, the name "Caster" did not pop up. After reaching below #200 on the leaderboards I gave up on looking, it was obvious that he was, in some kind of way strong- with this in mind I know he wouldn't be that low on the leaderboards.

I closed the status menu and looked back toward the snowy mountains. Well, no matter what I think of him, whether I should trust him or not doesn't matter, at the end of the day what he said is the only lead I have. I then cast the spell "[ Greater Teleportation ]".


I teleported back into the mountains, in the center where the checkpoint was located. I then cast the flight spell and begin floating in the air. Without wasting any time I started my search looking around at the farther mountains that were covered by the fluffed clouds.

I searched these mountains with double the effort. I made sure not to miss any spots, I had all the time in the world so I didn't rush through anything. Everything was smooth sailing honestly, however after I changed course and started to travel in another direction through the clouds, I started to encounter monsters- more specifically giant birds.

This world housed a lot of giants. I knew a little about Jotunheim's mythology somewhat due to my studies in my last life. It was the reason I wasn't surprised to see so many giant creatures. But these giant birds were truly vicious. It's not like I could see them coming either, the fog from the clouds made sure of that.

As I traveled I kept my guard up, I tried multiple spells I thought would work to clear the foggy clouds, however, it was honestly no use. Each time I cleared the fog, it would come right back in only a matter of seconds. The birds, in particular, looked like huge hawks with enormously sharp talons. You may think that the bird's talons did not have any effect on me, but that's where your wrong. They're talons was infused with magic properties, allowing them to be able to attack me. Fortunately, I had the { Six Eyes } equipped, you see the way I designed the six eyes, was mostly as a defensive item- and an overpowered one at that

I put most of the offensive abilities into the flavor text, but essentially the six eyes I created had a base state called 'Infinity' that ran passively nonstop. It was an impenetrable barrier that basically stopped any attack from injuring me. In the flavor text it's explained more in-depth as an barrier that didn't exactly stop anything from entering- rather, it slowed things down to an astronomically low speed making it impossible to hit me. It operates the same way convergent and divergent sequences do in mathematics. The Infinity is the convergence of an immeasurable series, anything that approaches the infinity slows down and never reaches the user. This is because it takes the 'finite' amount of space between the two subjects and divides it an infinite amount of times.

In mathematical terms, no matter how many times someone divides a number it will never be reduced to zero. Instead, they will be left with fractional units so infinitesimal it would become immeasurable to their eye. This did not mean that I was invincible though, the devs would not allow such a item to exist. The barrier could obviously be bypassed by world items, and depending on the circumstance, it was possible for another World Champion Item or Guild weapon could bypass it as well. But that all depended on what abilities those items had. With all of this in mind, I still couldn't shake my uneasiness. It's probably because of the weird occurrences that have been happening since I've been here.

After a few more hours of flying around, I finally started to see the fog from the clouds clearing up a little. It was easier to see further in the distance. Moments later I came face to face with some kind of path that was connecting the frozen mountains beyond the clouds. Seeing this I knew I had to be heading in the right direction, I landed and began walking along the path. The ground was built using some kind of cobblestone- similar to the material used to build medieval castles.

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