Insistent Deaths

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Huh?... Was that a voice? It sounded female yet, not female. Am I hallucinating due to me dying?

[Child you are already dead]

I'm dead? So that's why everything seemed....hmm what's the word exactly, gone? I feel like my existence itself is hanging by a thread. Like I would fade away if this conversation was ended.

[You are very unique child. I've never met anyone who could properly talk with me, let alone feel the void]

The void? Is that what this feeling is? It's very unnerving. Aren't you scared Angela?

[I am not, but are you referring to me with that name?]

Oh sorry, I don't mean any disrespect, I read in a book about an angel named Angela, being the messenger of God or something like that.

[Dont worry, I know already. You are very intelligent for a 15-year-old boy]

Wait...So can you my mind?

[You can say that. You harbor quite a complex personality.]

...I said nothing. She probably can tell that I hate my parents and even attempt to kill my father.

[ There is no need to worry I'm not mad with you. So you said before that you would like to go to a fantasy world is that correct?]

The angel said with a bit of amusement in her(?) voice. If possible, yes. My last life was very uneventful and even torturing to endure.

[Is that right? ...I see, you are a unique human. You've surprised me a lot within this conversation alone.]

O-oh... But I haven't really done much.

[Oh but you have. You just don't understand it. Due to these surprises, I've decided to make your dream a reality. I'll also allow you to have a certain boost but nothing to truly change the universe you will be sent to. Everything else will be up to you.]

Hearing this I got excited. I would love to become a different race if possible, maybe a vampire, a golem, or even an undead skeleton. My choices can be limitless.

'Okay thank you Ms. Angela if I'm having a boost would you allow me to also choose my race?'

My heart starts to beat faster as I await the answer from the angel. However, 2 minutes passes as I still don't hear anything. As I was about to call out to the angle once again, I realize that my heart is actually beating. Does this mean that I'm not in my conscious yet unconscious state anymore? I can't talk to the angel anymore?

Seeing as I'm not dead anymore I try using my brain, I try to force myself awake from my sleep-like state. Opening my eyes a bit sluggish I look around at my unknown surroundings. The cool yet thick air fogged up the environment. The trees that grew in this area were naked and had no leaves like something withered them away.

I got to my feet to get a better view of my location. I tried to analyze my location but failed as I'd never seen this place before. Soon a bunch of information overran my brain. My eyes widened and my pupils vibrated quickly to process this information. I grabbed my head tightly and grunted loudly, the pain from this brain overload was comparable to a brain freeze with 2x the pain.

I finally release the tight grip from my head as I start to massage my temples. The information I received told me many things. It stated my location and situation. Apparently, I am inside of the YGGDRASIL game itself, in the world of Niflheim. Based on the information, the current year is 2126 in the real world of this universe. This means that YGGDRASIL has just been released, with only 1000 players in the game who are allowed to play in advance for two weeks. My breaths started to get heavier with my excitement increasing.

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