Trading a World Item for a World Item

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[Narrator's POV]

The black roots coiled around Zechariah, he struggled and failed repeatedly to break out. There was nothing he could do, he peeked up at the unknown being that had its hand placed on his head. It was drowned in black fog, the aura it leaked was overbearing, and the only thing visible with the fog was the two crystal blue lights that appeared to be eyes.

The group of incarcerated players all had their eyes glued on what the being's next move would be. No one knew whether it was a monster, NPC, or a player. It was impossible to guess, especially with how unpredictable the Devs could be. Zechariah had been given negative status effects with just a touch of the hand. Then the shadow figure spoke...

"Alright how about this... if you guys can beat this guy then I'll let you go," he said. Saying this, the fog around the left side of his body lifted and form into a hand. The hand that appeared was adorned by five other rings each on every single finger, however, the ring that glowed was the one on the index finger. It was a lemon-yellow color, and the face of the ring had a gold crystal that was designed as a lightning bolt.

Shortly after the ring glowed, a giant complex magic circle appeared on the ground next to the shadowed figure.

"That's a summoning circle!" One of Zechariah's mages blurted.

Even without the mage saying anything everyone already knew. Soon a giant monster began to materialize, it had bat-like wings supported by four bat-like phalanges extending from its wrists, and an additional three phalanges that extend from the sides of its torso. All the phalanges end in blade-like tips that emerge from the wing membrane. Three heads twirled around looking at the players hungrily, each head with a crown of ten horns. As it fully materialized it was standing at a whopping 57 meters(190ft) off the ground.

The giant monster bent down, all theee heads leaning in close for a heat pat. The players around had grew flabbergasted by the size of the monster because it resembled something in the game that was incredibly rare to beat even more tame.

"D-dragon?!" Zechariah was petrified. They were going to die, not only was the unknown being overwhelming powerful but the pet that he summoned was a dragon- one of the most powerful species in YGGDRASIL.

"Wait this isn't fair!" Screamed the elf, he wasn't stupid, how would they survive fighting a dragon, and based on the size this dragon was most likely a ancient dragon which were even stronger than normal dragons.

The shadow figure laughed.

"Haha! Fair? This is by far the fairest thing I could have possibly did." He teased and continued.

"If you were to fight me you'd lose immediately, you aren't even level 100 yet, besides aren't I giving you a chance to live right now?" The shadow figure patted the dragon while saying something inaudible for the other to hear then he turned around and looked at the two players from World Searcher. With the flick of his hand they were dragged to him by the black roots.

"I'll be having a chat with these people, so you guys have fun with Ghidorah" he said giggling in the process.

All a sudden the black shadow figure and the members of World searcher dematerialized out of the environment, almost like they wasn't even real in the first place. Immediately after the unknown being disappeared the roots dropped and all the players equipped their strongest weapons.

Zechariah decided to take charge of the group, even if he had little faith, if they didn't fight back the would die regardless. "Everyone fast, fast as many enhancements as you can on yourself. Since we have assassins they will move up as dps, is mages will stay in the back." Looking over he saw the elf still standing there doing nothing.

He walked up and pushed the elf to awake him from his stupor. "You goddamn idiot, wake up, if you don't pull yourself together I will personally kill you!" The elf looked at Zechariah and nodded slightly, he couldn't see any facial expressions but the voice that echoed in his ear was dead serious.


The sound of a giagantic roar reverberated across the land and shook the ground. Electricity buzzed, zapping through the environment. Ghidorah's three heads was cloaked in elctricity. It opened its mouth and a magic circle formed, condensing mana from the surroundings.


[Doyle's Pov]


"I'm sorry what did you say?"

"I said if you hand over the world item you guys just received I will give you another in return." I answered in boredom.

I blankly looked at the duo as they continued throwing questions at me then threw my hand up signaling for them to stop.

"Listen, I know that you guys will worked hard to find this item which is why I'm offering another for it in return. You guys didn't do any harm to me or annoy me in any kind of way so I'm trying to help out. I could easily take it from you but I'm giving you another option, you have no choice but to give it to me."

The two looked at each other hesitantly then back at me. Fortunately these guys were smart, they finally took out the World item I wanted and presented it to me.

[World-Class Item {Graeae}

Graeae: A item of the highest tier possible in YGGDRASIL, it is said that the owner of this item won't have any trouble discovering the rest of the other world items.

This item has the ability to guide a player to discover the secrets of YGGDRASIL, holding this item the player can locate other World-Class Items that are nearby.]

After reading the info about the item I looked up at the duo who were panicky and twitchy. Sigh... these guys are irritating to be around. I dug into my inventory, pulling out a Caloric Stone.

"Here, this is also a world item. Take it, thank you for being understanding."

"Thank you, but are you sure you can just give this to us?" Ask the girl out of the two.

Oh right, to them it seems like I just easily handed over a top tier item. Eh, whatever, I get one of these every couple of weeks but they don't need to know that.

[Ghidorah has earned Exp!]

[Ghidorah has earned Exp!]

[Ghidorah has earned Exp!]

[Ghidorah has earned...

Oh? Seems like Ghidorah is finished as well.


Hm? A message? I looked at my messages.

[New message from {Luci★Fer}]

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