The Unexpected

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"Huh, I feel like I've been over here before.", she mumbled aloud. "I guess it is student apartments. I wonder why I didn't see Mina's car. She said they were on their way..."

She knocked on the door and looked around towards the city. It started to snow and she hugged herself. Suddenly the door creaked open but no one answered the door.

"Hello? Mina? Jirou?"

She peeked her head in slowly in the dark apartment and blinked. As soon as she did, Pink and white balloons began to fall out of the door and quickly kicked them back inside with a smile.

"Aw you guys!", she giggled stepping inside. "You shouldn't have!"

One ceiling light finally turned on and created a sunset hue. The pink and balloons filled every square foot in the house. Two massive balloons with the numbers 1 and 9 were in the middle. Clear and silver streamers were on the ceiling. A big white banner was behind the numbered balloons that wrote I'M SORRY.

"What the...", she mumbled. "Sorry?"


Suddenly the door closed behind her and she squealed and flipped around.

Before she could even react, she sucker punched the figure in front of her.

The figure stumbled and fell in front of his door holding his face. She took a small step back pushing some of the balloons out of the way.

"Uraraka! S-Stop! It's me! It's Midoriya! Deku?"

"H-Huh!?", she sqeaked.

She immediately recognized him as soon as her fist made contact, but the punch was already in motion. Now...she was just confused. Scared.

"I'm mind blanked when I saw you! I didn't mean to"-

"Deku...what...what is this...get away from the door! I'm-I'm leaving!"

"Please. Just hear me out. I definitely deserved that.", he said rubbing his nose. "Geez..."

He stood up and held his face towards the sky and felt the blood trickle down his lip.

"Oh..oh no. I-I'm sorry.", she stammered taking some tissues out of her purse. "I...I just need to go!"

Was this really part of their plan? To guard me up with Deku first thing in the morning?

Any confidence she had the day before completely gone. She definitely didn't think she was going to be ambushed by him like this. In his apartment. On her birthday.

"It's fine, I promise. Just please stay for a moment.", he said wiping his nose.

"Honestly Deku.", she laughed nervously. "I really don't want to hear it right now. Please just get out of my way."

I shouldn't leave...

He moved closer to his doorknob and put his hands out.

"I'm really, really sorry."

She froze in her place and looked him in his eyes which for the first time didn't cause him to look away. Her face warmed up and she shook her head.

"I'm sure.", Uraraka said her voice cracking. "But, after everything, you can't just come and scare me half to death with empty words and gestures! It's only been a day!"

That's not what I wanted to say...

"I refuse to drag this on. I'm never doing that again.", he said standing his ground.

Uraraka began to slowly relax her breathing and she put her shaky hands down.

"Uraraka, you are...the most trusting and forgiving person I have ever met. I should've realized that from the very beginning, when we talked in the hospital, but I screwed up. The last thing I ever wanted was for someone like you to hate me. I know there's nothing I could say to you that will gain back the trust you had in me. Nothing I could do. I didn't...", he said waving his hands around. "I didn't blow up some balloons and make a sign thinking you would drop everything. And"-

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