The Reveal

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She pranced towards the piece of napkin and was about to trash it when she got a glimpse of a small smiley face. Then she saw the words. Specifically, the bottom name. She unfolded the paper completely and her eyes widened.

"Can't wait to see you...Hisashi?", she mumbled.


Her smile faded and her mind immediately went to her conversation with Mina. She remembered her saying the guys name, even though she wasn't completely focused. Her hands started to shake and her head was pounding. Flashes of that day started going in and around her head. She was sick. She was dizzy. She was terrified.

Hisashi...the villian...he was arrested...We caught him! He should be far. Midoriya shouldn't have to contact him again for anything until we get back. He shouldn't contact him at all. He shouldn't have to...if everything's fine. It's not like he should be in trouble...why the smiley face? What's it mean? Is Deku okay? Is Deku okay? Is Deku-

"Hey, what are you doing in here? I was thinking about what you said and"-, Midoriya asked walking into the room. "Are you looking for something? I can help you find it if you want."

He rubbed his hair on his towel and realized she was still turned around and slightly shaking. He watched her grab the nightstand and hunch over like she was close to vomiting.

"Hey?", he said running over to her. "What's wrong?"

Maybe...maybe everything's okay. Maybe it's all in my head. He might've just found it in the villains pocket when we captured him. As evidence. Some form of evidence. But why didn't he tell me? Why didn't you tell me?

She turned around slowly with wide eyes. She held up the piece of napkin with a trembling hand.

"H-Hey...Are...are you in trouble?", she practically whispered.

His eyes became wide and his heart shot to his stomach. He felt like he'd been punched in the gut and his head and ears began to ring.

I thought it went into the trash can! It never went inside? I'm so stupid! I should've checked just to be never should hid this.

"I won't- I won't let him hurt you! If he's after you we'll face it together, y'know? There's nothing to be afraid of, okay? could've..."

She watched his face go through a bunch of emotions and her mind began to turn faster to the worst scenario. She took a step back and grabbed onto the dresser once more.

No...he wouldn't. He's not...not again...

"N-No, that's...that's not it then...-then-then he's just making empty threats right? With a stupid face right?", she said backing up again. "Right, Deku?!"

"Uraraka, I-I promise you that everything is fine."

"Well.", she said quickly, her voice wavering. "You don't sound very confident when you say that. I need you to help me out here."

"I....Uraraka...I just...I didn't mean for you to find this."

"Deku, what is this?", she screamed with fear in her eyes. "Why can't you tell me? When did you get this?! Just tell me what's going on! Whatever this is, we'll do this plan together! Please, just...please"-

"'s's not what I know you're thinking of...I promise."

She waited five seconds taking deep breaths only to see Midoriya shaking his head in distress.

"It be easier to hear you out if you didn't look like you were about to vomit!", she snapped backing up nearly tripping on her dress. "If it's not that bad then why can't you just say it. Should I trust what you say?"

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