The Mistletoe

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Midoriya held her hand the entire way back while they talked about anything and everything. He never felt more connected to another human being. Everything just seemed to make sense. He didn't want the night to end. He knew that Endeavor would be calling eventually to get them a ride back home, but he loved the calm and blissful days staying with her.

"Hey, you want hot chocolate? It's getting a little colder."

"Yeah!", she smiled. "Sounds good, I'll make some when we"-

"No, it's okay. We'll go here.", he said directing her to a cafe.

"But...we look so out of character to get hot chocolate somewhere. Like we popped out of Cinderella or something."

"I think our hero costumes make us stick out a little as well, don't you think? We do that all the time."

She moved a piece of hair behind her ear knowing she didn't have a good enough response to his attainment.

"O-Okay! If you insist...but I'm paying this time!"

"What? No way, I offered, so I'm paying.", he laughed.

"We'll see about that.", she snickered.

He held the door open for her and she made sure her short train didn't get caught on anything.

"Thank you...this thing is more difficult to deal with than it looks.", she grunted.

"Physical strength is necessary when you have the ability to make everything float."

Uraraka turned to look at Deku with slit eyes that made him shiver.

"I-I mean, beauty is pain."

"Yes!", she huffed. "Yes it is."

Deku held in his laugh until he got to the counter and began to wheeze only loud enough for a mosquito to hear.

"Two hot chocolates please.", he said getting his composure. "To go."

Uraraka was so busy fixing her dress and being fake mad about his slick remark that she didn't even see him slide the cashier a ten. The cashier looked at Deku with batting eyes and touched his hand grabbing the dollar.

He looked up with a raised eyebrows and took his hand away immediately. He thanked the woman and walked away with Uraraka shortly following. She looked around puzzled and tapped his side.

"Am I supposed to pay after we get the drinks?"

"N-No.", he chuckled. "I already did it."


He became slightly flustered since she always said Deku instead of his last name. He laughed it off though and held her shoulder.

"Better luck next time."

"Oh there's gonna be next time?"

"I definitely want there to be a next time.", he said looking at her.

Maybe..., she thought. Maybe now is a good time to tell him how I feel. Maybe-

"Here you go handsome.", the cashier winked putting the two drinks on the counter. "Just for you."

The cashier gave a quick cat eye glare to Uraraka who immediately noticed and looked away. There was nothing she could really do, anyway. It's not like they were dating. The red-headed girl seemed so much prettier that she didn't even want to....

Wait, a minute. I look so good right now. Where is my confidence? Excuse me!? I don't care if he isn't mine! He's my date tonight! No red headed bombshell is gonna make me step down! At least...that's what Mina would say.

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