The Truth

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The man chuckled and pointed at Midoriya.

"You look just like your mother.", he cackled then coughed.

"There's no way!", he exclaimed. "Mom would've told me!"

"Would she?"

Midoriya hesitated and sat back. How was she even able to keep a poker face about this? He knew his mother was too protective to let him know something like this, but...still. That kind of protective love however, let him find out about the most difficult things in the hardest ways.

Exhibit A.

"Well, you seem really calm about it.", Midoriya said crossing his arms. "A little too calm."

"Like I said, I'm sober...ish."

"Sober from what?"

Hisashi shook his head and exhaled.

"From the upper hand. The steroids. The drugs. Even though I had some freedom, I was never really free. But...I've been caught now, so...they're not gonna waste anything else on me. No more drugs for me."

"They?... Okay...when did this start? It couldn't have always been like this."

"When you were three."


He sighed and sat on the side of the wall.

"It's a real long story, kid...I dunno if you really wanna hear it."

Midoriya looked down the hall and at his phone.

"I have time. I believe this is important."

Hisashi rubbed his forehead and took a deep breath in and out.

"Your mother and I realized that you were probably going to be quirkless. We didn't want that for you, so we started doing some research."

" all knew?"

"I filed an application at a hospital in South Korea. I am-well was a certified Pharmacist. I thought maybe I could find something there, because their tech was better than ours. I told your mother that I would find something to help you overseas. I sent about three-fourths of every check I got to her. The money is probably still coming from my agency to avoid suspicion of my whereabouts."

Midoriya's eyes softened and he slouched slightly. Hisashi raised his shoulders and sighed.

"Obviously, it ended up being a scam. They kicked me to some place in the sticks and made me make all types of stuff for patient experimentation. I tried to lie to them and tell them this wasn't even my speciality. I knew I could do it though, and so did they. I felt horrible in the beginning. I figured with the experiments however, I'd eventually find out something that would prove the theory of why you wouldn't get a quirk."

"How?", Midoriya asked. "How did you know from the beginning?"

"Research. I thought you'd be showing signs but you weren't, so I knew something was off. Anyway, they found out what I was trying to do. They forced me to do their bidding instead of my pharmaceutical work. Made me the bad guy. They drugged me two days a week with different stuff because I couldn't kill people when they told me to. It practically wiped my conscious. I still never gave up though. Through all the stuff they did to me, I never lost the reason why I came there in the first place."

At this point, Midoriya's tears were starting to come and he looked down so his father wouldn't see.

"Couple years go by. Your mother has no way to really contact me, and I didn't have a way to contact her. She just knew I must've been okay because money kept being sent. One day, I see you on a TV at the UA sports festival. That's the only thing they decided to show me outside of wherever I was. You were blasting everything in the sky. Y'know, breaking your hands and I way. My kid got his quirk. I can't believe it. I'm so proud of him. After all this time, I was...wrong."

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