The Downlow

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Midoriya walked up to her starting to feel sweaty. He was nervous to see her, but he was more confused how she managed to bounce back so quickly. He knew her injuries weren't terrible, but it's been less than two weeks. He didn't want her to do this mission at all, for her own safety.

"What's going on?", Midoriya said hastily. "Are you okay?"

Uraraka looked up, widened her eyes, then looked down. She made eye contact with the blue bracelet around his wrist and she immediately looked back up at him in surprise.

Oh, gosh, she thought. If I knew it was going to be him, I wouldn't have come! This is gonna be so awkward. I literally broke down in front of him-that's so embarrassing! How am I supposed to act natural now?

"Uraraka!", he whispered. "You're still injured aren't you?"

"Shhh!", she panicked. "I'm fine."

"There's no way you're completely healed!", he whispered. "It's only been a week!"

"Oh, you're such a good friend to keep track of me.", she whispered nervously. "We'll talk about it later!"


Uraraka grabbed his wrist and retreated to the nearest building. She pushed him into a corner and checked to see if anyone else was around.

Midoriya looked at her in surprise, and waited till she let go to exhale.

"Are you sure you're okay?", he asked nervously.

"Deku. We're on a mission.", she panicked. "What's wrong with you!"

"Are you not in pain?", he said putting his hand on her shoulder. "Are you okay to do this?"

Uraraka was about to rebuttal but she couldn't help look into his eyes that were a little too close. He looked so worried and concerned that all her scolding flooded out of her mind. Her face went warm and she quickly turned around.

Ochaco, get it together! Are you serious right now?, she thought scolding herself.

"I promise, I appreciate the concern. If I wasn't okay I wouldn't have taken the assignment."

She turned back around and gave a sweet smile.

"We have to do this. For our city. For my friends!"

Midoriya's face brightened and he gave a confident smile. He didn't know exactly what she was going through or how she was handling things. Especially since if Endeavor was correct, she could potentially meet the guy who killed her friends, which would most likely make things worse. He looked at her determined face and put his hands up in defeat. He couldn't help but go along.

"Okay! We got this."

"Okay!", she exhaled flipping back around.

"Ow.", he whispered rubbing his eye.

"Wha-what happened?"

"Y-you're hair. I'm fine.", he said putting his hand up.

"Oh, gosh.", she giggled. "I'm so sorry. We were just so...close."

They looked at each other and she backed up about three feet in the span of a second.

"Let's go!", she stammered. "We could've missed him at this rate."

He nodded his head and they began to walk back outside like nothing happened.

He looked at her and she at him. They gave an affirmative look and headed back to the table.

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