The Movie

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Uraraka looked at Midoriya as he stood up. It was the old lady that had served them food the day before.

"Everything is alright ma'am. Sorry for any problems. You can go back inside now. It's cold."

"The movie is about to start! I'm trying to make my way to the screening!"

"The movie? Isn't it kind of early?", Uraraka asked standing up.

"It's six-o clock. There are only two showings. It's already getting dark, though. I figured my husband and I would see the earlier one.", she smiled. "There he goes!"

"Wow, it's later than I thought.", Uraraka said aloud.

"You ready, beautiful?", said the old man walking up to her.

Midoriya and Uraraka waved goodbye and watched them walk away. She smiled and hugged herself as they began to walk towards the gingerbread stand. Midoriya began to look at them and began to zone out about all the times he looked out his window alone. Watching the sunset go down on the city.

As he lost focus, he began to pack the gingerbread materials into a big zip lock bag.

"I want something like that someday.", Uraraka sighed. "They're so cute-it hurts."

"We can go see the movie together.", Midoriya said still not focused. "It'll be fun."

Uraraka blushed slightly and looked at the boy still packing up their things.

"Y-Yeah. Totally.", she stammered.

Midoriya really hadn't even heard what she said, so she was taken aback at how forward he had just been. He surely would've been embarrassed if he listened to what she said.

"What, um, what are you doing?"

He sealed the bag and held it up with pride, breaking his focus.

"I figured we can put the house together when we get back! I think it'll be more fun inside anyway. It's getting colder. I'd hate for either of us to get sick, y'know?"

She nodded and smiled softly.

"Always thinking ahead. Great idea!"

He chuckled and rubbed his hair.

"A lot of people tell me I think too much. My overthinking has definitely gotten me into some trouble."

"As long as you find the balance.", she said holding his arm. "Let's go!"

His face warmed at her words and touch.

No one's ever been positive whenever I told them I was an overthinker. Find the balance?


She held the zip lock bag as they went through the village stalls and finally found the movie setup.

It was inside a warm tent with a projected screen. Small candles were lit softly and fluffy bean bag chairs with cushions were set across the room.

"Welcome to our movie night heroes! Come on! Sit. Sit!", a woman assured at the front. "The movie is A Silent Voice!"

Midoriya and Uraraka were placed near the back wall with a small candle in the middle. Midoriya turned to Uraraka and scoot slightly away from her, due to his nervous.

"Have you watched this movie before? I heard it was really good."

"I surprisingly haven't.", she said leaning back in the chair. "Mina and the girls' wanted me to watch it with them for the longest, I just haven't had a chance."

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