The Chase

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Uraraka and Deku started walking down the mall strip and looking out for any more suspicious activity. It was easier to look around since they were walking, and they even made small talk. She had ended up changing her shoes to more appropriate ones in case for combat.

"You know, I'm glad this isn't weird.", she laughed. "After everything I was kinda scared when I saw you, but I actually feel quite comfortable."

"I know. I feel like I've known you longer than just one week."

"Yeah, y'know, I think it's your chance to be vulnerable.", she joked.

"O-okay. Let me think.", he said. "Vulnerable..."

"Hey, I was just teasing. No worries if there's nothing you want to share. I usually don't tend to over share so much, so you definitely don't need to feel obligated to"-

"My first kiss was with my school nurse."

Uraraka blinked and had her mouth slightly open.

"Uh, um. Are you...happy about it?"

"Of course not.", he groaned. "Who wants that?"

"Uh, well, I mean I don't know"-

"Though, I think it was a bit anticlimactic.",

"A-Anticlimactic? How so?"

"Well, first off, I was half asleep. In the hospital, as usual. My mom was there..."

"This is starting off well."

"Oh, it gets better."

"Oh, no...", she giggled.

"And she went in to kiss my cheek to heal me and the second I decided it would be a good idea to make a small movement"-

"She kissed you on the lips.", Uraraka laughed. "To be fair, since you really weren't aware, does it really count?"

"Oh, I sobered up real quick."

"I bet.", she snorted.

"If that doesn't count, than I guess I haven't had my first kiss yet. I think that's even more vulnerable."

Uraraka laughed a little harder and smacked her hand on the rail which caused Midoriya to chuckle.

"I think the nurse and my mom were laughing at me just like you are.", Midoriya said with an embarrassed smile. "Far from my brightest moments."

"!", she snorted. "It's-its just kind of funny? Like what are the chances."

"Funny?", he started to laugh with her.

"I mean, a little?"

"Well, I'm glad you're the first person I told. If I had told Bakugo, he'd never let it go."

"You've never told anyone?"

"Are you kidding me?", he exclaimed. "That's humiliating. I know I'm not always up to date on what is socially acceptable, but any pride I do have would be vaporized if I told someone that."

"You've told me?", she giggled.

"You're different.", he said looking at her.

She looked at him and smiled warmly. They were both gazing at each other's eyes until Midoriya's eyes flickered and he grabbed her shoulders.

She felt a dull pain in her back, but grateful he didn't grab her waist instead. She dug her hands onto him and closed her eyes tightly. She then quickly felt the vibration of a blast and saw flashing lights through her eyelids.

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