Chapter 10: Red Fang Pack

Start from the beginning

When River returned home, the first thing he did was figure out who that woman was and it didn't take him long to find out that that was Ellen Knightley- Zoya's mother. River was well aware that Zoya didn't have a good relationship with her parents. Sabrina told him already that her parents weren't good people. But it was the tone in Zoya's voice when she spoke of her past or her family, her eyes lost their sparkle each time.

River was nuclear. Pissed beyond return to be fair.

"Ryder told me what happened," Gabriel continued, "and I'm sure you already cracked the mystery behind that woman you met today."

River knew he couldn't avoid it anymore. "That woman was Zoya's mother," he told them.

Ryder's eyes widened, but Gabriel held no surprise. "Why wouldn't she introduce us to her mom?" he asked.

"Perhaps, she is hiding something," said Gabriel.

"No, she's not she hiding anything. She was protecting-" River's voice fell. A carnal surge of hatred rose inside him. "She stepped in front of us like she didn't want that woman near you or me."

"And someone only does that when-" Gabriel's voice fell and his eyes darkened with horrid memories of his past. "I've done that. We've all done that..."

Countless times, they had protected each other. However, Gabriel's eyes masked with pain because he remembered how his late-father abused Klaus. Those memories would never disappear no matter how much time passed. Despite Robert's death, no one ever forgot the trauma the man left behind. He asked for forgiveness before his death, but that didn't change the past.

"What will you do, River?" asked Gabriel.

"I don't have an answer for you," he replied grimly.

"How about we go kill Zoya's mom," Ryder growled harshly.

River would love to do that. He would take a lot of pleasure in ending that woman's life for hurting Zoya.

"Do you think the introductions are out of the way now," said Gabriel.

"Why?" asked Ryder.

River already knew why. He was already unbuckling his seatbelt following Gabriel out of the car. Their alpha was a nosy bastard and there was no beating him when it came to sheer stubbornness.

"What the hell?" astonished Hunter.

"Seriously, again?" remarked Lupin.

All of them got out of their cars and tracked behind Gabriel. They covered his back and any other angle to keep him safe as he burst through the doors of the restaurant. River and Ryder stood on each side, Hunter behind him and it was clear that Lupin took cover in the shadows somewhere while Azura prepared another exit for them just in case.

King was seated at the round table in front of Blade. The man who was nothing short from a terrifying alpha leader who took over this Red Fang pack with his sheer willpower. Blade was domineering from the way he sat lounging back in the seat. A power radiated from his grey eyes and bulky figure. He didn't wear a suit, yet he looked dangerous in a leather trench coat and dark turtle-neck sweater. The tattoos were faintly visible on his hands and peeking over the neck of his sweater.

Blade was calculated and cool when Gabriel had walked into the room like he had. The man had only just lifted his gaze and faced Gabriel. River could tell that Blade was different from his family or he was just very good at hiding his true self. Either way, River didn't trust him.

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