Chapter 88

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When Yun Shi Yi received the news that his wife was returning home, he had immediately boarded a ship and followed the Lan River downstream. He anxiously waited every day, hoping that his beautiful woman would suddenly appear before his eyes. The longing that he felt increased with the passing of each night.

On the day that he approached the Chang Jiang River, a thousand white sails emerged from the horizon, becoming more obvious as the distance between him and them shortened.

His heartstrings immediately became taut as he stared unblinkingly at the scene before him.

But right at this moment, emergency measures were imposed. A bailiff of the yamen sailed in a small boat, continuously going back and forth, as he drove the other vessels away, requesting them to make way for the Emperor’s large fleet of ships.

Yun Shi Yi was forced to land, but his eyes remained glued on the river as before.

The first to appear was the squadron of ships belonging to Xuanyuan Zong Zhi’s troops that served as bodyguards for the imperial clan. Their brocade banner fluttered in a majestic way that seized the eyes of every person. Yun Shi Yi saw a Xuanyuan Zong Zhi covered head to toe in shining silver armor standing at the bow of the ship. His heart shook for a moment as he hastily looked next to the man in search……The result was disappointment. The figure of the person printed in his heart was clearly not here. But among the thousands of white sails, which vessel was she aboard?

The feeling of wanting to meet her was unexpectedly that pressing–to the point where he couldn’t even wait a single moment.

He raised his head towards the soaring mast beside him. To someone who practiced martial arts, this sort of height didn’t mean anything. The elevating qinggong technique that he had learned before was much more difficult in comparison. Lifting the hem of his long gown, he secured it at his waist before gripping the mast with both hands and climbing up in an extremely nimble manner. There was an inner voice: Since he cannot find her, he would let her find him.

It was as if Ruan Zhu had telepathy. The closer she was to her hometown, the more excited she became, and she so dearly wished Yun Shi Yi could appear in front of her at this moment in some random ship by the banks of the Lan River or perhaps among the commoners who had gathered to watch the bustle in the coastal area.

Ruan Zhu stepped out of the ship’s cabin. A vast crowd was on the riverbanks–they were all commoners who had come to watch the awe-inspiring Emperor. Various kinds of vessels were also stopped by the banks and each person had their head tilted to watch the crowd of ships go by.

“Ma, bird……big bird fly fly……” Little Zhi Xi pulled at his mother’s skirt while his other hand pointed at another ship.

“What problems are you causing? Quickly, go find your uncle to play. Don’t cause trouble here.” How could Ruan Zhu have the patience to deal with her son? She lifted a hand to call out to Yun Shi Wei: “Second Cousin, come quickly to take your Yun family member away.”

Zhi Xi bounced on his toes while pointing towards their own ship’s mast and cutely babbled: “Fly fly, me also want fly fly.”

Yun Shi Wei strode over and picked up Zhi Xi: “The mast is too tall and too dangerous for Zhi Xi to go up there. Wait until we have reached the shore and Uncle will take you to climb some trees.”

Ruan Zhu searched in all four directions for a while but it only left a fleeting and nameless melancholy in her heart. She turned around, intending to head back inside the cabin, when she felt a burning gaze that made her feel incredibly uncomfortable. Her eyes roved around for the source when suddenly, the figure of a tall man standing atop a mast on a vessel several dozen meters away from her caught her entire attention.

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