Chapter 55

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Yun Shi Yi saw that his wife had fallen asleep and carefully tucked her quilt around her before turning around and taking the child from Madam Ruan.

Madam Ruan was worried he didn’t know how to hold his child and hurriedly said: “Put the child’s head in the crook of your arm so that your arm supports his upper body. Yes, just like that, use your right hand to support his waist and butt. Newborns are frail, all right? When you are holding him, you must remember to be careful. If you pull his lower back, there will be trouble.”

Yun Shi Yi very carefully held his child and lowered his head to scrutinize the rosy little face that was currently sleeping. This was his son; his own offspring; someone that was connected to him by blood.

A sort of pride at becoming a father flashed in his brilliantly handsome face.

Ruan Yu walked in from the outer room. Seeing her sister’s son in Yun Shi Yi’s arms, her eyes brightened, and she happily stroked the small face with her hand. Madam Ruan lifted her hand and knocked her daughter’s away, berating: “Look at you, filthy all over yet you dare to touch the child. You have immunity so you are fine, but the child is so small. If it gets sick, what will we do then?”

Ruan Yu pouted and very unhappily stood by the side.

Lu Piao Xiang looked on with fervent eyes: “Can I hold him?”

Yun Shi Yi knew he had invited the imperial physician and wet nurse from the capital and was the reason why Ruan Zhu’s life had returned. Although he was unwilling, it was not good to refuse him, and he handed the child over to him.

Lu Piao Xiang carefully took the child and held the small and frail body. His heart immediately softened. Someday, when Zhu’er gave birth to his child, it would be like this scene, right? But thinking of how she had hovered between life and death while giving birth, his heart again pounded with pain.

“Eldest Brother, I also want to hold him.” Yun Shi Wei crowded over: “I am the child’s concubine-Father and also the child’s paternal uncle; I have the right to hold him.”

“You ah, you can touch.” Yun Shi Yi did not trust him.

Madam Ruan took the child out of Lu Piao Xiang’s arms and carried him to the outer room for her own family’s Lord Husband to see.

Ruan Zi Xu held him until his mouth that was smiling with happiness could not be closed. Taking it easy, he roared with laughter, and for a very long while, was not willing to let go.

Being busy for such a long time, everyone was tired and hungry, and the servants received an order to arrange a banquet in the main hall.

The child was handed over to Madam Ruan and Ruan Yu to look after, while Ruan Zi Xu led a group of people to eat.

During the banquet, he urged the imperial physician and midwife that Lu Piao Xiang had invited (brought/S) into the seat of honor and took out large amounts of money to thank them. The two of them only dared to accept after receiving Lu Piao Xiang’s acquiescence.

Everyone urged each other to drink and not long after, they were all intoxicated to some degree.

When the feast was dismissed, living arrangements for both the imperial physician and midwife were arranged and a male servant was instructed to lead them to their respective rooms.

The two Yun brothers and Lu Piao Xiang were currently just about to bow and ask to be excused when the residence’s Steward Yang came to report that the concubine Wei Rong was causing an outrageous racket and wanted to see Madam Ruan no matter what. Wei Rong had attempted to hang himself and also knocked his head against the wall. The servant keeping watch was afraid that if something happened, he wouldn’t be able to explain himself cleanly, thus he came to report this to the Master to ask how this should be handled.

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