Chapter 45 • Decision

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A few days had passed since I went with Lynch to see my parents and his offer to move in with him. I managed to convince both him and Bridget to let me work. I hated doing nothing and for the most part, my arm was fine. It was only a little sore. For the most part, I stuck to the easier tasks.

I helped Lynch stock the shelves and fill the shelves in the back. Vivian still wasn't talking to me but that was fine. Alexandria and Ember stopped by serveral times to see me, sometimes separately and sometimes together. I told them about me and Lynch starting a relationship and going to see my parents.

Alexandria gushed over me and explained how she knew we would get together while Ember just shook her head and congratulated me. I attempted to switch the conversation to them several times but they wouldn't allow it. The only information I got was that Ember and Dakota were doing great and Dria was still happy at her job. I hated being the center of attention but they didn't give me a choice.

Lynch also had his first interview. It had been with one of the auto shops and he thought it went well but he wouldn't know anything until they called him back. I still didn't have an answer for him about moving in. I wasn't sure what to do. It all felt fast. I hadn't even mentioned it to Dria or Ember yet because I wasn't sure what to do.

It wasn't a bad idea to move in with him. It was actually pretty smart because we could split the rent which saved a good portion of my money. I also wouldn't have to move complexes since the one I currently live in is full. I chewed on the inside of my cheek as I thought about it.

The bell over the coffee shop door rang and I poked my head up to see who walked in. Dria had her head on a swivel, grinning when she saw me. She practically ran overand crouched next to me while I set books on the shelf in front of me.

"Whatcha up to, Ry?"

"Working. I have to stock these shelves then go and fill the storage shelves in the back," I replied, glancing over at her. "What has you in such a good mood?"

She shook her head. "Nope, not answering that just yet. How're you and Lynch doing?"

I paused, staring down at the book in my hands. She took that as a bad sign and immediately began interrogating me. "Ryder Cain, did something happen already? What's wrong? He isn't hurting you, is he? Did you fight? Do I need to go beat his ass?"

I dropped the book and frantically waved my hands, trying to get her to stop. "No, no! Everything's fine and we haven't fought. I'm just thinking about something and I don't know what to do."

She craned her head to the side, staring at my face and asking, "What's goin' on?"

I let out a breath and glanced over at the clock that hung by the door. It read twelve twenty-four. I stood and grabbed the box that held only a few more books. Dria stood and trailed after me while I hurriedly placed them before leading her to the back with me.

I probably wasn't supposed to let her back here but Bridget knows her and I knew she wouldn't go do anything. I opened the door to the storage room and dropped the empty box on the floor. Once we were in, I spun and faced her.

"Lynch suggested that I live with him," I rushed, wringing my hands together.

She stared at me, slowly setting her bag down on the floor. "What?"

"Yeah, and I don't know what to do. He said that it's fine if I don't want to but I kinda want to but-" She cut me off.

"Babe, you want to right?"

I hesitantly nodded.

"So go live with him. You're trying to convince yourself that you don't want to. Did he explain why he wanted you to move in?"

"Um, he said that I wouldn't have to worry about finding a new complex and that we could split the rent. He offered for me to keep the guest room, too."

"So what's the issue? Why can't you tell him you want to?"

"It feels too fast. I mean, we only just started dating and I don't know."

She crossed her arms over her chest. "You're scared it's gonna end up like it did with Liam."

"I-" I couldn't form a reply because that's what it was.

I kept remembering how he had changed once we moved in together. I knew Lynch wouldn't do that but those memories kept replaying in my head. I dropped my eyes from Dria, taking a deep breath. Of course she was right.

"You need to go find him and make a decision. You're happy, Ry. I can't remember you being this happy. You moving in with him because it's a smart idea doesn't mean everything will change. Yes, it's going to be different and you're doing to have to adapt and learn each other's routines but I know you'll get used to it."

I looked back up at her and offered a small smile. "You're right. You're very good at that, y'know?"

She grinned and dramatically flipped her hair over her shoulder. "Damn right I am."

I couldn't help the laugh that forced itself out. She left with the promise to check in later and then I was alone to work on unloading the new shipments of books.

• • •

I was halfway done with unpacking books when the door swung open. I raised my head to see who entered and paused when Lynch came into my line of sight. His eyes locked on mine from where I was kneeling on the floor. He shot me an easy smile as he approached and I offered one in return.

I turned back and set the stack of books I held on the shelf in front of me. I heard him shuffling around behind me before a stack of books was passed to me. I glanced over my shoulder at him as I took the stack and set it on the shelf. We worked silently together until the boxes were empty and the shelves were full. Then we broke down the boxes and took them back to the dumpster.

As we made our way back to the shop, he took my hand and interlaced our fingers. "Have you decided anything yet?"

I knew what he was referring to and quickly squeezed his hand. "Um, yeah. I'd- I'd like to. I'm sorry it took so long to decide. I was holding back because I kept thinking about how it went with...him."

We were back in the storage room now as I tried to explain why I held back for so long. He released my hand to curl around my waist and pull me into a hug. I gladly sank into it, wrapping my arms around his neck. I sighed, resting my cheek on his shoulder.

"Sweetheart, you don't have to explain it. You needed time to think on it and come to a decision so I wasn't going to push it. I had a feeling some of what happened with Liam would play into your decision. You being comfortable is what matters to me. If you want to move in with me and you're ready, we'll do it. If you wanted to find somewhere else, I would've helped you find a place," he explained, absentmindedly rocking us back and forth.

I nodded against his shoulder, an overwhelming feeling of calm and happiness sliding over me. We stood there for a while just holding each other. I had that surreal feeling again, like I was stuck in a dream and I'd wake up soon.

He squeezed my waist one last time before pulling away. I released him while he said, "We should probably get back to work before someone find us here."

I laughed and smiled. "That would be smart. Ok, shoo, I need to go get these books out on the shelves."

He smirked and left me to my own devices. I lifted the box into my arm and continued to smile, knowing I made the right decision.

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