Chapter 5 • Sorry

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My alarm went off at seven and I reached for the annoying sound, trying to shut it off. Groaning, I finally sat up and turned the alarm off. I sat up, rubbing my eyes and yawning. Sunlight was barely peaking into the room which made me want to crawl back under the blankets and fall asleep again but I have work. I got up and walked over to the light switch, flicking in on and wincing at the sudden intrusion of light.

I walked over to my dresser and started changing my shorts and tee for my uniform. I neatly folded my sleep clothes and set them on my bed before walking to the bathroom to finish getting ready. I brushed the knots out of my hair and slicked it back into a high ponytail before wrapping into a bun. After pinning it in place, I applied light makeup. I get terrible breakouts if I glob on mountains of makeup.

Finding a song to carry with me on my phone as I made my way to the kitchen. I started humming along while checking to make sure I had everything before turning the light off. I still haven't heard or seen Liam yet. That dampened my mood some.

I swiped my hand over the wall, turning on the light as I stepped in the kitchen. I walked over to the coffeepot in the corner and made a single cup of coffee. While it was brewing, I found a small plastic container and a plastic bag. I pulled the leftover spaghetti bake out of the refrigerator and dumped some into the container, re-sealing the tupperware and setting it back in. Sealing the other tupperware, I set it in the bag along with a fork.

My coffee finished brewing so I grabbed the milk out of the fridge and pulled my mug off of the machine. I added my regular amount of sugar and milk, stiring it together before putting the milk back where it belongs. On a last minute thought, I grabbed a small soda from the cabinet and set it in the bag with my lunch. Then I grabbed my mug of hot coffee and walked out to the living room to relax for a few minutes.

I could always get a cup of coffee at the coffeeshop I work at but I like making it here. It's a stupid reasoning because it's not like I'd be paying for the coffee, I just like having control over what I put in it.

While I waited for it to cool off some, I unlocked my phone and swiped through my notifications. I was gonna have to pay rent soon. It's almost the end of the month. I wasn't going to even bother asking if Liam would split the bill. His excuse is that he doesn't have enough money because he's trying to save up to buy us a house.

I glanced at the time while sipping on my coffee. Seven twenty seven. I still have about an hour before I have to start my shift and it only takes me fifteen minutes to walk to the café and bookstore. I'll probably leave in about another half hour so I had some extra time to get there.

• • •

Forty-five minutes later, I was pulling on my shoes and collecting my stuff. Dria texted and said she wanted to meet up before my shift so I was heading out early. After making sure I had my keys in my pocket, I stepped out into the crisp air, letting the door swing shut and lock behind me.

It was definitely chilly. Winter was coming which means more customers which means busier hours. I'd probably also end up working more and earn some extra money.

I hurried down the sidewalk and crossed the street a few times before coming up to the strip of food shops. I looked down at my phone, texting Dria that I was close.

And ran into somebody, making me fall back on my butt. My bag with my lunch was dropped and I knew my drink was shaken up. I quickly gathered my stuff and stood up, looking at him.

"I'm sorry! I wasn't looking where I was going," I apologized, tucking my phone in my pants pocket.

"You're good, sweetheart. I wasn't much better," he offered a warm smile, "I'm still trying to find my way around here."

I nodded, looking st him to see Dria watching out interaction, "Well, I have to get going. I'm meeting up with a friend. Sorry again."

He gave me a short nod and walked off. I approached Alexandria who had a stupid grin on her face. We stepped inside and found a table before she said anything.

"He was cute," she commented.

I gave her a pointed look, "No, Dria. Don't even start."

"Why not?" Her puppy dog eyes came out, "He seemed nice."

"Yes, he was. But that doesn't mean anything," before she could say anything else, I directed her into the café, "Go get your coffee. Then we'll talk about whatever else you wanted to talk about when you texted me."

She nodded like a proud mother, "Distracting me with coffee, good choice."

She pulled the door open and I held it open while I stepped in after her. The warmth of the shop hit me and caused goosebumps to ripple over my skin. I rubbed my arms and found an empty table to wait at while Dria stood at the counter, ordering her coffee.

I messed with my phone, finally gathering the courage to open Snapchat. Like I thought, I had several notifications from friends. I went through them quickly, telling them that everything is fine and it was a misinterpreted picture. Some responded quickly and some would probably take hours to be read.

I closed out of the app and looked up at Alexandria who was sitting down with her cup of coffee and a plate of pastries. I set my phone down on the table and leaned forward, invited by the sugary scents.

"Why'd you get apple fritters?" I looked up at her.

She leaned forward too, as if she wanted to share a secret, "Because I know you're hungry. And you don't eat enough."

I snatched one off the plate and took a bite, moaning at the taste, "Ok, you're right. This is a good fritter."

She let me devour my food before saying anything. Hers was only a third of the way finished by the time I finished. I wiped my hands on one of the napkins she brought and tossed it on the plate.

"So," she started, "tell me everything that happened last night. From the time I dropped you off."

I should've known our short text conversation wasn't going to be enough for her, "Well, he was sitting on the couch watching TV when I asked him about the picture. He sounded bored when he gave me the answer I told you last night. I didn't want to start another fight so I just went with it and he told me that I need to put more trust in him if I want our relationship to work and that I need to stop being insecure."

Dria stared at me after I finished explaining. I fidgeted with the seam in my pants while she processed everything. She seems like a disorganized and extreme person when first meeting her but once you get to know her, you realize that she takes time to think things through and plan out her thoughts.

"That's... I don't know what to say, but that's going out on a limb. He called you insecure? And threatened your relationship? Fucking horseshit," she also has a colorful vocabulary, "That means nothing, coming from him. I really don't want to push and prod, but you need to seriously start thinking about how he treats you."

I curled forward and leaned against the table. I know she's right but we've been together for five, going on six, years. It's hard for me to just drop a relationship like that. And there are times when he does show that he cares. It's so fucking confusing and I can't get my shit together.

"Your shift starts in a few minutes so I'm gonna leave, but, just consider it. I want you to be happy. I don't like seeing you trapped," her hand found mine and squeezed before she stood up and collected her coffee cup.

I stood up with her and hugged her goodbye. She left and I grabbed the used plate, along with my bag, to take back to the sink.

Once it was rinsed, I set it in the dishwasher and headed back to the lockers so I could store my belongings. I made sure I was clocked in and grabbed an apron while heading back out to the counter. More customers had arrived in the short time I was in the back. Time to serve customers.

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