Chapter 42 • Parents

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Lynch slowly crept the truck up the dirt driveway. I recognized my mom's SUV immediately but I didn't see dad's truck. I hoped he was home too. I didn't want to have to talk to them separately. Sucking in a sharp breath, I exhaled it slowly, preparing myself for any outcome.

He pulled up next to the SUV and parked. I unbuckled my seat belt but before I could hop out, Lynch stopped me and climbed out of his side. He rounded the front and opened my door for me, helping me out. He shut the door and wrapped an arm around my waist.

I looked up at him hugging him back. He pulled back, taking my hand in his and guiding us up to the front porch. With him still holding my hand, I hesitated only a second before knocking on the door. I stepped back and waited for someone to answer.

My heart pounded in my chest as I stood there. I squeezed Lynch's hand and he squeezed back reassuringly. I heard locks clicking and sucked in a breath and held it as the door opened. My dad opened the door, a towel slung over his shoulder. He stopped, staring at me.

I bit down on the inside of my cheek, staring back. He had more gray hair from the last time I saw him and the beginnings of a beard growing in. Then he stepped over the threshold of the door, holding his arms open. I released Lynch's hand and started toward him, hugging him once I reached him.

His arms wrapped around me and crushed me in the embrace. I pressed my face into his shoulder, taking a deep breath to calm down. Slowly, he released me, keeping his hands on my shoulders as if making sure I stay in place. He looked me over again as more footsteps moved in our direction from inside the house.

"Markus! You're letting go all the cold air out." Mom appeared in the hallway, stopping when she looked past Dad's shoulder and saw me. "Oh my God!"

Dad moved to the side and let Mom barrel into me, sweeping me up in her arms. I wrapped my arms around her as my throat closed up and tears welled in my eyes. I blew out a shaky breath, trying to keep my emotions in check. She pulled back and cupped my face as if searching for something.

"Hi, Mom," I whispered, unable to get my voice higher.

"Oh, Jesus, we missed you so much. We weren't sure where you were or what you were doing. I kept hoping you'd visit us at some point." She pulled me back into a hug, brushing a hand over my hair.

Dad noticed I had brought company, asking, "Who's this young man, Ryder? I'm not sure I remember him."

I slowly pulled away from Mom and turned around to face him. He was looking between me and Lynch, trying to decipher what was going on. Lynch waited quietly for me to introduce him.

"Um, this is Lynch, Dad. He...He helped me with Liam," I replied.

He stiffened, looking over at Lynch. Dad stared him down for a minute then stuck his hand out. "Pleasure to meet you, son. I'm Markus."

Lynch took his hand and shook, replying, "It's a pleasure to meet you too, sir."

A giddy feeling hit me square in the chest, watching Lynch get accepted by my dad. Before anyone could say anything else, Mom ushered us into the house to sit down in the living room. Once we were all seated, the shock had worn off and now I was back to feeling nervous. Lynch sat next to me and subtly wrapped an arm around me to squeeze my waist.

Mom didn't waste any time with light questions, instead asking, "You said this young man, Lynch, helped you with Liam. What did you mean, honey?"

Instead of looking at her, I dropped my eyes to my lap as I answered. "He, um...he started Lynch helped me break up with him."

"Fuck it, where is that bastard? I'll show him a thing or two about hittin' my daughter!" Dad roared, moving to stand up.

"No!" He stopped and looked at me. "He's already been arrested and put in jail. I don't know if he's posted bond or anything but he's gone; out of my life."

Dad nodded firmly but still remained tense. "Good. He deserves to rot behind bars. Though I wish you'd never dated him in the first place."

I sighed, knowing this was coming. "I know. And I should've listened when you said you didn't trust him but I was stupid and argued about it."

"You weren't stupid, honey," Mom interjected, "You hadn't seen what we saw because he was showing you what you wanted to see. Unfortunately, that's how most men like him trap women into dating them."

I bit my lip to keep it from trembling. Lynch squeezed my side again. I took a deep breath, calming myself down. I don't know why I was expecting anything different. My parents have always been supportive and understanding. They weren't still angry with me for arguing with them and running off with Liam after.

Lynch sat forward next to me and moved his hand up. Unfortunately for me, it was my injured shoulder and I winced when it stung a little. Both of my parents and Lynch had seen the motion. My parents looked to Lynch as he turned to me with concern.

"Does your shoulder still hurt? I'm sorry, sweetheart," he apologized, moving his hand back to my waist.

I nodded. "It's ok. It's just a little sore. It's better than it was."

Mom sat forward, watching us interact. I saw the twinkle in her eyes that told me she knew but instead asked, "Why does your shoulder hurt, Ryder?"

"Um...I..." I choked up trying to answer her and looked to Lynch for help.

His expression was sober as he answered her question. "She had gone back to her apartment for a couple things and Liam attacked her. He threw her to the floor which dislocated her shoulder. I was getting back from the store and one of her neighbors told me she heard her scream. She was on the phone with 911 while I got into the apartment and knocked him out. I got her out to the waiting ambulance and get her taken care of immediately."

Mom sat back, horrified, while Dad looked enraged. Instead of threatening death again, he thanked Lynch. "Thank you for saving my daughter, son. I'm assuming that was when he was arrested?"

"Yes, sir. I went with Ryder to the hospital but I saw officers heading up to the apartment to get him," Lynch replied.

"Good. I'm glad she has you there with her." My eyes widened at his approval of Lynch.

Mom cleared her throat and I looked over at her. "Well, since you're here and it's about twelve, why don't we have lunch? I want to catch up with you, honey. It's been so long."

I nodded and she smiled, standing up. Lynch squeezed my waist one last time before I stood up to follow Mom to the kitchen. A few minutes later, I heard the back door open and close so I assumed Dad and Lynch went out to the backyard. I couldn't help the smile that planted on my face as I helped Mom fix lunch.

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