Chapter 3 • Confrontation

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I waited off to the side with Ember while Dria paid for the clothes and shoes. She demanded that we find shoes to complete the four outfits so we did. A pair of high-heeled ankle boots, some strappy heels, and two pairs of sandals.

She wouldnt even let me look at the prices. I didn't look at them when I was trying the shorts on by myself but I feel like I should have. I don't want to waste Dria's money. Speaking of, she stepped away from the register with bags in hand, crumbling the receipt and tossing it in her purse.

She walked up to us and I took the bags from her, shaking my head with a smile. She led us out to her car, unlocking when we reached the doors. After Ember slid into the back with Shire, I set the bags on the seat next to her. After, I climbed into the passenger seat and clicked my seatbelt in place.

Dria cranked her car to life and the radio immediately connected to her Bluetooth, playing Andy Grammar. Not caring anymore, I started singing at the top of my lungs. Alexandria followed shortly after and we even got Ember to join. I felt giddy, getting to feel free for the day. I was even able to forget about Liam for a few hours.

That hit me hard and I came back to my senses some. I kept singing along until the song ended and it changed to a different artist. Sitting back in the seat, I stared out the window, thinking about what was gonna happen when I got back to my apartment.

Would he be there? Should I ask him about the picture? Or if he saw me, what would I say? And the girl who was all over him at the ice cream shop. That wasn't the same girl who was in the picture. Should I ask about her, too? I hate this. I should trust him. But should I? Ugh, stupid stupid stupid.

Ember brought me out of my stupor, grabbing and squeezing my bicep. I blinked and looked at her. She had that worried look in her eyes. Of course she was worried about me. She knew me back in high school and knows that I've always been more energetic than I am now. I was the one to instigate our friendship. I was the one to distract her from her stress with fun sleepovers.

Those sleepovers were such fun. Of course, all of that went down the drain once I started dating Liam. He always called me childish and told me to grow up. So I did. I changed myself to please him and only him. Everyone around me hated him but I was so blindly infatuated that I didn't see what they were seeing. I probably still don't see all of it.

"I gotta go now. Kota's home and I promised I'd cook dinner. I'll text you, Ry. Stay safe, you two," Ember gave me a hug and waved to Dria before climbing out with Shire.

I didn't even realize we made it back to her house. I waved at her through the window as she shut the door. She smiled and walked up to the front door where Dakota greeted her. My heart lurched when he hugged her and kissed the top of her head. I wished Liam would do that with me. I wished he could be affectionate like I am.

Dria threw the car into drive and pulled out of the driveway, taking me back to my apartment. Now my heart sank in fear. I didn't want to go back yet but I didn't say anything. Instead, I sat in silence while she drove me back.

"Talk to me, sugar. What's running through your head? You were having fun earlier and then you just shut down," my fingers twitched around my phone at Dria's question.

I hesitated before responding, "I'm worried we'll get into another argument. After what I saw today in person and on social media. I know y'all keep telling me to leave him but- I don't know."

It took her a second to find her words, but she said, "Well, if you do, you know you always have a place at my apartment. I can come back and pick you up but you're gonna have to face him one way or another. You might as well do it now before it festers. I know I can't force you two to break up with him but there has to be an end on the line somewhere."

"I know. I'll see what he has to say. And I'll text you if I do want to sleep over at your place. I have work tomorrow, though," I let out an exhausted sigh, running my fingers through my hair.

She didn't say anything else so I just sat back in my seat. It only took another couple of minutes before she pulled into the complex. She found a spot close to my apartment and I moved to unbuckle and climb out but her hand stopped me. She grabbed my wrist and I looked down, noticing that I was shaking. When did I start shaking?

"Ryder, you're strong but you also have me and Ember to lean on. Don't keep all of your problems to yourself. Talk it out with us. If he's there, try to have a reasonable conversation with him. If he threatens to hurt you or does, you pack a bag and leave immediately. You get me?" Her words sank into my skin and helped me relax.

I nodded, choked up. We've only known each other for a few years but she cares so much. I reached over and wrapped my arms around her shoulders. She wrapped her arms around my waist and we sat like that until we got uncomfortable and moved away.

To relieve the heavy air, she pretended to wipe a fake tear away and flick it off her finger, "My baby's all grown up. Look at you being a big girl and making her own decisions."

That caused a laugh to erupt from my chest, "I'm older than you, Dria. If anything, you're the baby."

She grinned and shook her head, "Get your sexy ass outta my car. You have stuff to do."

I sobered up some and nodded, climbing out. Reaching in the back, I pulled out my bags and waved through the windshield as I walked by. She waved back before reversing out of the spot and driving off. Once I couldn't see her anymore, I slumped and my heart sank to my stomach.

I trudged up the stairs to my room and pulled my keys out to unlock the door. Even without opening it, I knew Liam was inside. The light was on and shining through the curtain and I could faintly hear the TV on. I turned the doorknob and stepped in, setting the bags next to the door.

As I thought, Liam was laid back on the couch with his arms splayed out over the back. His feet were kicked up on the coffee table, shoes still on. I've told him that I don't like him putting his shoes on the table. A beer sat next to his feet. He didn't acknowledge my presence so I just busied myself with taking my shoes off and setting then neatly by my others.

I picked my bags up and carried them back to my room, setting them next to my laundry basket. I'll deal with them later. Instead, I started pscking a bag. Just in case. My work clothes, my laptop, charger cables, extra clothes. It all went into the book bag I still had from high school.

Once I finished packing, I set it by the end of the bed and left the room. Trying to channel some of the confidence Dria and Ember have, I strode out to the living room and stopped next to the end of the couch. He glanced at me, flicking through channels for something to watch.

"We need to talk, Liam," my voice didn't hold confidence. It was weak and quiet.

He dropped the remote in his lap and settled it on the back of the couch again, Turing his head to look at me. Well, here goes nothing.

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