Chapter 39 • Stars

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It was nine thirty-two when we headed out to Lynch's truck. Beforehand, he had taken several trips down with plain bags so I couldn't see what he was carrying. There was nothing in the truck cab when he helped me into the passenger seat. I chewed on the inside of my cheek as he rounded the front and climbed in the driver's seat.

I messed with the seam of the leggings I had on. Clearly, it wasn't anything fancy or upscale. I don't think I would've gone with how I'm looking. I don't think I would've gone anyway but I used my arm as an excuse.

Once we were out on the main road, he turned on the music and let it fill the silence. I stared out the windshield wondering where he could possibly be taking us. My eyes would flicker to the digital clock on the radio screen every so often to watch the numbers change.

It was just hitting eleven when he turned onto a dirt road. We were an hour and a half out of town and there was no sign of people anywhere nearby. Lynch pulled off the road and began bouncing slowly through an open field. He stopped about halfway in and turned the truck off.

I shot him a confused look when the sutomatic lights turned on for a moment as he opened his door. He climbed out without a word and I heard the tailgate open and the bed cover being flipped back. It was a couple more minutes before he walked up to my side and opened the door.

He helped me down and guided me to the back. I stopped and stared at the truck bed in confusion.

"Wh... What is this?" I looked up at him, gesturing to the makeshift bed with blankets and pillows strewn out.

"Figured we'd watch the stars for a little while. I've been plannin' on coming back out here but I figured might ad well have some company," he replied.

He flicked on an electric lamp to illuminate the area better. I tilted my head back and looked up at the clear sky. He was right about forgetting everything. This was relaxing. Something I wouldn't have to worry about.

"You want some help gettin' in, sweetheart?" Lynch offered.

I nodded slightly. "Yes, please."

He turned me around and grabbed my waist, lifting me onto the tailgate. I scooted back onto the air mattress as he climbed up and settled next to me. I rearranged a pillow behind me and laid back before tucking another under my sling.

Lynch tucked a couple pillows under his head and adjusted so he was staring up at the stars. I watched them as well, a couple flickering and some disappearing behind a stray cloud. It was peaceful. I easily found the big dipper and the little dipper. Cicadas buzzed somewhere and I heard grasshoppers chirping occasionally.

"I have snacks and whatnot if you get hungry. Just tell me and I grab you something," Lynch mentioned.

"Ok," I mumbled. "Thank you for bringing me out here. This is really nice."

Lynch let out a breathy chuckle and replied, "Not a problem, sweetheart. I figured you could use a little escape."

I nodded quietly. It was silent for a while after that until I heard my stomach begin to  rumble. I flushed in embarrassment while Lynch just laughed and sat up. He grabbed a plastic bag and pulled out a couple granola bars. He pulled out two waters as well as I sat up to eat. We both ate a granola bar and he stuffed the wrappers back in the bag.

I laid back down and he resituated himself next to me before slipping his arm under my back. I looked up at him as he pulled me to his side. He reached over and grabbed a pillow, laying it on his stomach before guiding my slinged arm to rest on it.

"Comfortable?" He asked after moving my arm.

I nodded. "Why'd you do that?"

"'Cause I've noticed you get uncomfortable on your back but you can't roll over with your arm," he answered.

"Oh, ok."

"That, and I wanted to make a confession." I looked up at him but he was staring at the black sky.

"Um, ok, what...what do you want to confess?" My heart beat a little faster in my chest.

He took a deep breath and let it go slowly. "I've liked you for a while now."

My eyes widened and I stopped breathing for a second in shock. He continued, "I didn't say anything because I figured you didn't need to be overwhelmed more with what you already had goin' on. You don't have to have an answer or respond or whatever but I needed to get it off my chest. If you want, you can have me drive you home and that'll be the end of this."

I was still stunned to silence. I knew I was beginning to develop feelings for him- or I had just repressed them- but I didn't think he'd ever like me. I could feel his fingers fidgeting with my shirt but he still wasn't looking at me. I still couldn't form words. Instead, I pushed myself up slightly and pressed a kiss to his cheek. His eyes finally met mine in his own shock.

I whispered, "I like you, too. I just didn't think you could ever like me with all the bullshit in my life."

He grinned. "Sweetheart, it's impossible not to like you. I only wish I'd met you sooner."


"But it's the truth. I wished I'd met you sooner so you didn't have to deal with Liam as long."

I laid back down and dropped my head to his shoulder. "Yeah. But it worked out in the end. He's gone now."

"I honestly thought you wouldn't be ready for another relationship so fast after him. I figured that to be one of the main reasons you'd reject me, right next to not liking me," he admitted.

"I thought I wouldn't be ready either. That's what I'd been thinking about earlier when you asked what I was thinking about."

"What made your decision?"

"Dria told me you were worth it. I've been replaying her words over and over and I finally decided that I shouldn't be worrying about others' opinions on being happy."

"Good. Even if it wasn't with me, your happiness is more important than a couple people saying things." He squeezed my side.

I smiled and closed my eyes. I was happy. I made a mental note to talk to Dria tomorrow. Probably E too. I needed to thank them for finally convincing me to break up with Liam. With my time off, I finally needed to go visit my parents as well. They'll be estatic that I dumped him. I think I'll wait to tell them about Lynch, though, because I'm not sure how they'll react to him until they meet him.

"Are you ready to go home, sweetheart?" Lynch inquired.

I blinked and realized I was beginning to fall asleep. "Yeah, I guess. I didn't realize I was starting to fall asleep."

"Alright, we'll head back now."

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