Chapter 43 • Lunch

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While Mom danced around the kitchen, I worked on moving dirty dishes out of her way. As I placed a mixing bowl in the dishwasher, she began asking questions.

"So how long have you known Lynch?"

"Well-" I paused, thinking about it, "Not...Not long at all, actually. I think a little over a week?"

"Hm, how'd you meet him?"

Red tinted my cheeks in embarrassment. "I kinda ran into him. Not paying attention to where I was going. Then he ended up getting a job at the coffeeshop I work at."

She smiled and laughed. "Of course you would run into the poor boy. You have a knack for being clumsy, honey."

I grinned back and didn't say anything else. It was a few minutes before Mom asked another question.

"So, are you two together? He seemed to really care about your well-being," she inquired.

I looked at her, biting the inside of my cheek. "Um, yeah. Is that weird? It's only been a few days since the fiasco with Liam but I really like Lynch. He's kind and he pays attention to me and he keeps me safe. I know my friends won't mind but I know others-"

"Ah ah, right there." She faced me and placed her hands on my upper arms. "As far as I know and from what I've seen, that's what Liam put in your head. The Ryder I remember was brave and outgoing and not afraid to take what she wanted. Right now, you're afraid of what others will think of your decision. You need to remember that their opinions shouldn't affect your decisions. If you're happy with him, then be with him."

I nodded just as I heard the back door open. She gave me a reassuring smile and squeezed my arms. I nodded and she let me go as Dad and Lynch stepped into the kitchen with a sizzling tray of grilled shrimp. I stepped off to the side to let Dad have the counter space and caught Lynch's eye.

He sent me a smile and my lips tipped up automatically. He looked away when Dad asked him something and I busied myself with getting plates out to set the shrimp sandwiches on.

"What do we have to drink, Mom? Milk, soda..." I trailed off while pulling glasses from the cabinet.

She stopped next to me and placed her hand on my shoulder. "I don't fall for the trick anymore, young lady. I have sweet tea in the fridge. That's what we'll drink."

I grinned and moved away to grab the pitcher from the fridge. As I poured the tea, Lynch stepped behind me, placing a hand on my lower back while dropping the metal skewers in the sink. I paused briefly, leaning into his touch until he stepped away. Then I finished pouring the drinks and returned the pitcher to the fridge.

He helped me carry the glasses over to the dining table while Mom and Dad carried the plates of food out. They were distributed while I ran back and grabbed napkins for us. I took the spot next to Mom while Lynch took the end seat opposite Dad. We took hands and bowed our heads while Dad said a quick prayer to bless the food. It's something I hadn't done since I moved away but I missed doing it.

"Bless us, oh Lord, and these thy gifts, which we are about to receive, from thy bounty, through Christ, our Lord. Amen."

We echoed his amen and promptly dug into the shrimp sandwiches. Nobody spoke the first couple of minutes and I was fine with that. I hadn't had my parents' cooking in over five years and I missed how good it was. I was already halfway through my sandwich when I set it down to drink some of my sweet tea. Mom set her down next to me and did the same.

"How's work, Ryder? Are you still at that cute little coffeeshop?" She asked after settting her glass down.

"Yes, it's good. My boss, Bridget, is keeping me out for a little while because of my arm but I like working there. It's great."

"And what about you, Lynch? Where are you working?"

He swallowed the bite he took and washed it down with sweet tea before replying, "I work at the coffeeshop with Ryder. That's how we got to know each other after we ran into each other on the street."

Mom chuckled and shook her head. "Are you planning on working there long-term?"

"No, ma'am. I've been looking at a few other jobs but it is nice to work there." He smiled at her.

"I can see how Ryder took a liking to you. You're a gentleman." She nudged me and I blushed focusing on my food.

Lynch just laughed and it fell silent again while we finished eating. Then we cleaned up our dishes and rinsed them before sticking them in the dishwasher. I started the dishwasher before joining everyone in the living room and taking the spot next to Lynch.

• • •

We stayed for a few more hours before saying that we needed to head home. It took another half hour of goodbyes and promises of coming back before we were able to make it out the door. I was very aware of my parents standing by the front door as Lynch and I walked over to his truck. He opened my door for me and shut it once I was in. He rounded the front and climbed in while turning the ignition.

Lynch backed out and turned around to head back down the dirt road while I spared a glance back at my parents. They were heading back inside now and I watched them shut the door before moving my attention back to the road ahead of us.

"Your parents are great." I looked over at Lynch.

"They are," I agreed. "I don't know how they put up with me half the time."

"Did you argue with them a lot?"

"No, but I was stubborn and I didn't want to listen to them. Especially when I hit high school. There were some things that I learned pretty quickly I should've listened to them but there were others that took a little time."

"Yeah? I'll be honest, I can't really see you defying them. It just doesn't seem like you. Well, how I met you at least."

I shook my head, saying, "Believe it or not but I'd say my personality was the complete opposite then. I was more outgoing and I guess extroverted. I wasn't afraid of saying what I thought or asking for what I wanted. You can take a guess as to why that all changed."

"Liam," Lynch almost sounded angry.

I looked over at him to see him still staring at the road as he drove. He had one hand on the wheel while his other braced on the console. I quietly reached over and grabbed his free hand. He looked over at me quickly, tightening his grip on my hand.

Wanting to change the subject, I asked, "So what jobs are you looking at?"

"I want to do something a little more physical so I looked at a couple autoshops. I also looked at a position in a lumber yard."

"Ok. Have you applied yet?"

"Yeah. I'm waiting to go in for interviews but hopefully one of them will hire me."

"What's the commute?" I inquired, the thought popping into my head.

He shrugged, answering, "The lumber yard is the furthest out. There are a couple autoshops in town so it wouldn't be too bad but it'd take about forty-five minutes to an hour to get out to the lumber yard."


He looked over at me again, smirking. "You're very good at moving me off subject."

"We don't need to be worrying about him anymore. He's gone and I'm not letting him get close to me again."

"I'll agree with that." He squeezed my hand again and we fell silent the rest of the ride home.

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